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Ustica, Mattarella: “Deep wound for Italy, the duty of truth is fundamental”

“The massacre that took place in the sky of Ustica on the evening of June 27, 1980 is imprinted in the memory of the Republic with characters that cannot be erased. In the fortieth anniversary, we feel even stronger the bond of solidarity with the families of the eighty-one victims and we join in the memory of those who then lost their lives, with a deep wound in our national community “. The president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella recalls the massacre of Ustica, in which 81 people died on board the DC-9 Itavia, which went unpunished after 40 years.


“The sharing of so much pain – continues the Head of State – was and is also a reason for witness and civil commitment. The framework of responsibilities and circumstances that provoked the huge tragedy still has not yet been completely and unified. However, much progress was made after reticence and opacity had been placed between the need for truth, which is incompressible for a democracy and a rule of law “.

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“The Republic and the tenacity and professionalism of men of the State – the Head of State remembers – have allowed to clear up mists; and this was possible thanks also to the determination and the civil passion of the families of the victims and of those who supported them in the institutions and in society “.

“The commitment to seek what still does not appear defined in the events of that dramatic evening cannot and must not end. Finding decisive answers, reaching their full and unequivocal reconstruction requires the commitment of the institutions and the open collaboration of countries allies with whom we share common values. The duty of the search for truth is fundamental for the Republic “, concludes Mattarella.


The commemoration in Bologna

“If it hadn’t been for the relentless request for truth and justice from the families of the victims there would have been another story and it would have been a serious matter,” said the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, in his speech in the city council in Bologna where the remembrance ceremony, to forcefully ask the government to intervene on the ‘friendly’ countries to get the truth about what happened.

“That of Ustica is a truth that must be completed with the identification of the material perpetrators of the massacre: who in the sky carried out the mortal action that evening”, added the president of the association victims of the massacre of Ustica, Daria Bonfietti.

“Now in this 2020, we ask our government: help this community to identify the planes around the DC9 – said the mayor of Bologna Virginio Merola – It was an act of war in peacetime”.

The secretary of the Democratic Party also intervenes on Facebook Nicola Zingaretti: “40 years after the Ustica massacre that marked our country, we reaffirm our commitment to ask for truth. As democrats we are committed to shedding light, we owe it to the victims, the association of family members, but also to our children and Our girls. To build a stronger future, for our democracy, memory and commitment to the search for truth are fundamental. On Ustica as on any massacre “.

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