Home » today » Entertainment » Ussy Sulistiawaty Shouts Allahu Akbar, Nathalie Holscher’s monthly money from Sule is just for the contents of the kitchen: I’m just shocked, that’s just eating not a salary of 37 employees! – All Pages

Ussy Sulistiawaty Shouts Allahu Akbar, Nathalie Holscher’s monthly money from Sule is just for the contents of the kitchen: I’m just shocked, that’s just eating not a salary of 37 employees! – All Pages


Monthly money for Nathalie Holscher from Sule

GridStar.ID – Household Nathalie Holscher after marrying the famous comedian Close indeed it often seizes public attention.

Since being married Close, Nathalie Holscher busy taking care of household needs.

Moreover, so far, many employees have also stayed at the residence Close.

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In Ussy Andhika Official’s YouTube vlog on Thursday (1/4/2021), this is what he said to Ussy Sulistiwaty.

Initially, Nathalie cooked Ussy’s signature menu.

While wondering, Ussy was surprised to know the number of employees at Sule’s house.

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“This is a lot of houses. How many household assistants are there?” Ussy asked.

“Thirty-seven, that includes all employees,” replied the wife of Sule.

“Allahu akbar! Every day is here? Oh God, it means if, for example, to the market, just range, to go to the market approximately?” Ussy asked again.

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Hearing Nathalie’s answer about monthly expenses, Ussy was even more amazed.

“Just for cooking, that’s 150 (million). Because employees aren’t hungry at night, there must be fried noodles, what’s wrong,” explained Nathalie.

Nathalie also initially admitted that she was shocked by the amount of expenses her husband’s family spent each month.

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“As soon as I handled the finances, I was just shocked by the expenses. That’s just the kitchen. Not yet the employee’s salary,” he said.

However, according to Ussy, spending money to feed employees sincerely would be a blessing.

“The point is, if I am in principle, if we feed people sincerely and sincerely, God willing, the blessings will also return, that’s why Kang Sule’s fortune is smooth,” said Ussy.

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“And all the same (menu) the food is Tea, the front and the back is the same.

Because we work together, so don’t be afraid to lose your fortune if you share your food, “said Nathalie.

“Yes, the point is we need employees, they need income, that’s why we need each other,” said Ussy.


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Nathalie Holscher’s monthly money

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