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Using the Power of Two Model to Improve Biology Learning at SMA N 2 Surakarta: Results and Impact

TRIBUNJATENG.COM – Biology is a part of Natural Learning Science which aims to understand a system of the universe through collected data and observation or deepening. Biology learning, especially at high school or high school level, emphasizes providing direct learning experiences through the use and development of process skills and scientific attitudes. However, in reality, there are many problems learning biology among students at SMA N 2 Surakarta, to be precise in grade ten. In biology learning, there are still 57.5 percent of students who experience learning incompleteness because their learning outcomes are below the specified Minimum Completion Criteria or KKM. This is caused by less than optimal learning carried out by teachers. Teachers also do not develop students’ thinking enough by rarely asking questions that require student reflection and thinking. Apart from that, students are also not trained enough to work together in positive ways or exchange ideas about learning problems with their classmates. Therefore, teachers need to use learning models that guide students to be active and collaborate in learning. one such model is The Power of two.

The power of two learning model is cooperative learning that strengthens the importance of a synergistic relationship between two close students. This model encourages student collaboration, reinforcing the importance and benefits of two-person synergy. This model has the principle that thinking together is better than thinking alone. The application of the power of two learning model combined with other media in learning makes teaching material more interesting. Learning media can include animated images and sounds that support the content of the learning material. Apart from that, this model can stimulate and attract students’ attention. By using the power of two model, it is hoped that students can learn to process their own thoughts, increase confidence in their own thinking abilities, develop the ability to express thoughts and ideas. Patria (2010:52) states that The Power of Two learning model teaches students not to rely too much on teachers, but can increase confidence in their ability to think for themselves, find information from various sources and learn from other students.

During the implementation of biology learning using this model in the tenth grade of SMA N 2 Surakarta, the material on the role of microorganisms in biotechnology went well. There is an increase in the quality of learning that occurs in the tenth grade classes at SMA N 2 Surakarta in biology subjects. The results show an increase in student activity in learning, followed by an increase in teacher skills and student learning outcomes have increased with the percentage of completion getting from 57.5 percent to 84 percent. Biology learning using the power of two model shows that each student continues to be actively involved and critical in learning activities and can answer questions given by the teacher. Each student must be responsible for individual assignments first which are then discussed with their classmates. This makes students have answers or material that is better understood than if students did it without having a discussion.

From the results of implementing the power of two learning model, it turns out that it can increase student activity, teacher skills and student learning outcomes in tenth grade biology learning at SMA N 2 Surakarta. Class activities are more creative and innovative than before and create a fun learning process for students. Applying the power of two model to biology subjects has been proven to improve the quality of learning.

2023-10-09 06:55:30
#Interactive #Models #Improve #Understanding #Role #Microorganisms #Biotechnology

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