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Using Salt Substitutes May Reduce Risk of Developing High Blood Pressure by 40%, Study Finds

Potassium-Enriched Salt Substitute Can Help Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure

Eating too much salt is a known risk factor for developing high blood pressure.


Reducing the risk of high blood pressure has always been a challenge, especially for older adults. However, a recent study has found a solution that can be considered a breakthrough in maintaining blood pressure. The study reveals that replacing regular table salt with a potassium-enriched salt substitute can significantly reduce the development of high blood pressure without leading to episodes of low blood pressure.

Key Findings

  • Potassium-enriched salt substitutes did not increase the risk of high blood pressure in older adults. The study, conducted with 611 people aged 55 years or older, showed that those using the salt substitute were 40% less likely to develop high blood pressure compared to those using regular salt.
  • Reducing sodium in the diet is one of the most effective ways to lower the risk of high blood pressure. However, this can be a challenge due to the taste of food and the high sodium content in many packaged and restaurant meals.
  • Using a salt substitute did not increase the risk of low blood pressure episodes. This is particularly important for older adults, as low blood pressure can lead to falls and injuries.

Details of the Study

The study included 611 people aged 55 years or older who were living in 48 long-term care facilities in China. The participants had baseline blood pressure readings below 140mmHg/90mmHg and were not taking high blood pressure medications at the beginning of the study.

Half of the care facilities were randomly assigned to replace regular salt with a potassium-enriched salt substitute, while the other half continued to use regular salt. The salt substitute used in the study contained approximately one-third less sodium chloride than table salt and also included 25% potassium chloride and dried food flavorings.

After a two-year period, the results showed that those using the salt substitute were 40% less likely to develop high blood pressure compared to those using regular salt. Additionally, the salt substitute did not increase the risk of low blood pressure episodes.

Implications and Recommendations

The findings of this study provide an exciting breakthrough in maintaining blood pressure for older adults. With nearly half of adults in the United States suffering from high blood pressure, this research offers a valuable solution to reduce the risk of developing hypertension and associated cardiovascular diseases.

It is important to note that salt substitutes should not replace medical treatment for individuals already diagnosed with high blood pressure. Further research focused on this specific group is necessary to fully understand the potential benefits of salt substitution for their health.

While individuals can choose to use salt substitutes on their own, wider adoption of these products would require collaboration between public health authorities, food manufacturers, and consumers. Education campaigns and policy initiatives can play an essential role in promoting the use of salt substitutes and encouraging healthier dietary habits.


The study’s results indicate that using a potassium-enriched salt substitute can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure in older adults without increasing the risk of low blood pressure episodes. By incorporating such salt substitutes into dietary habits, individuals can enjoy the benefits of flavor while safeguarding their cardiovascular health. Ongoing research will further explore the potential benefits of salt substitution for individuals with high blood pressure.

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