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Using fake red books to fraudulently appropriate property in Quang Tri

On November 12, news source PV Vietnamese people said that Dong Ha City Police (Quang Tri Province) had decided to prosecute the case, prosecute the defendant and detain Ms. Ho Thi Quy Xuan (40 years old, residing in Ward 3, Dong City) for 4 months. Ha) to investigate acts of using fake documents by organizations and fraudulent appropriation of assets.

The police are also investigating Ms. Xuan’s husband because he is also on the fake red book.

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Ms. Xuan used a fake red book to fraudulently appropriate Ms. Ng’s assets. Photo: HT

Previously, on September 4, Ms. Xuan borrowed 200 million VND from Ms. Ng to repay the loan from the bank.

Here, Mrs. Ng asked both husband and wife to be present and sign the loan application, but because the husband was away, Mrs. Ng called to discuss and recorded the call with the content that the husband agreed with his wife. loan.

Ms. Xuan pledged a land use right certificate (red book) number CQ233560 issued by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Quang Tri province.

The red book is in the name of Mrs. Xuan and her husband, with an area of ​​252m2 in Quarter 5, Ward 3, Dong Ha City.

After discovering that the red book was fake, Ms. Ng called Ms. Xuan and her husband but no one answered the phone, so a criminal complaint was filed.

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