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Uses of soft drinks in multiple house cleaning tasks Mix

Uses of soft drinks in multiple house cleaning tasks

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02-11-2023 12:27 PM

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Ammon – Soft drinks play a role in performing various household tasks, although many people ignore this matter. An overview of the uses of soft drinks in home care.

Soft drinks to perform cleaning and polishing tasks

Cleaning the drain: The carbonic acid found in soft drinks eliminates any sticky substance stuck in the drain. So, it is okay to pour a bottle of soda down the drain. Next, pour hot water. The steps also apply to the toilet.
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Caring for burnt pots and pans: To clean any pot, after food has burned on it, pour some of any soft drink inside and heat over low heat for 15 to 30 minutes. After that, it will be easier to rinse.

Removing gum from hair or clothes: When gum sticks to hair or clothes, it is appropriate to pour any soft drink on the affected area for a while, which will facilitate the removal of the sticky substance.
Getting rid of rusty stains: Soft drinks also help in removing rust. In this context, a towel is soaked in the soft drink, then placed on the mentioned spots, for a few minutes, until the rust comes off completely. Rinse the area with water to get rid of the stickiness.

Polishing windows and mirrors: Any soft drink can also be used to clean glass surfaces and mirrors. Soak a paper towel in the drink, then use it to wipe windows and mirrors. After that, rinse with water.
Re-polishing silver: Silverware and jewelry regain their shine when you pour any soft drinks on them, or even soak small items, including jewelry, in a cup of soft drink for up to an hour. Then, rinse using water.

Cleaning work surfaces with carbonated water
Using carbonated water is the safest way to clean any countertop, regardless of the material. In this context, pour a small amount of carbonated water on any surface, stove or sink, and wait for a while, before wiping off the dirt. Soft water is also effective in removing any dirt from the faucet. In addition, carbonated water is considered a safe option for giving shine to glass and porcelain dishes. It is also effective in cleaning stainless steel kitchen utensils and silver spoons and forks, which are recommended to be soaked in carbonated water for more shine.
On the other hand, clothes may be stained with greasy stains, coming from oily foods, car oil, or even cosmetics. In this context, a large cup of clear soda is poured into the washing drum, during the cleaning process in the usual way, which blocks smudges.

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