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USA: Two Hispanics accused of finding a body on the roof of a restaurant

New York, USA.

The authorities of New York Two young men have been accused of murder after the discovery of a corpse wrapped in a bag on the roof of a restaurant fast food in the neighborhood of The Bronx, an event that last week raised concerns about rampant violence in the big city.

Jonathan Rodriguez, age 21, and Ayame Stamoulis, 18 years old, have been charged with the murder of Richard Hamlet, 65, who is believed to have been tortured and killed before being thrown out the window of his apartment next to the restaurant, ABC7 reported on Tuesday, citing police sources.

According to local police, the two arrested and another suspect entered to rob a house of Hamlet but they found him inside, after which they beat him up, forced him to drink a caustic liquid and drowned him, then wrapped his body in a plastic bag and threw him out the window.

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On July 15, a restaurant maintenance worker found the body on the roof of the establishment, where it had fallen after the crime.

The event shocked residents of a city that has seen a significant increase in shootings and other violent crimes in the past two months, especially in Harlem neighborhoods, The Bronx and Brooklyn.

This weekend alone there were 22 shootings with 24 victims in the city, and since the beginning of the year until then the shootings have skyrocketed by almost 69%, with an increase in victims of 77.5%, according to data from the Policeman.

The authorities of New York They are trying to tackle the problem, which has also become notable in other parts of the country with the lifting of confinement measures due to the pandemic and after anti-racist protests over the death of the African American. George Floyd at the hands of an agent in Minneapolis.

The City Council of the Big Apple, which has withdrawn $ 1 billion from the police budget and has banned certain actions in response to those protests, recently launched an initiative that involves community leaders and NGOs to stop violence through mediation, in addition to deploying more agents in troubled places.

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