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USA: Trump tests negative for covid-19 – News

According to the agency France-Presse (AFP), the information was conveyed by Sean Conley during a particularly confused statement, since the doctor explained that Trump tested negative for the presence of the new coronavirus, but through a rapid test and not through of the standard screening that hundreds of thousands of Americans are undergoing daily.

“I can inform you that [Donald Trump] presented negative results [à presença do SARS-CoV-2] for several consecutive days, ”said Conley through a letter from the White House.

“Rapid tests” correspond to antigenic screening, which is less sensitive than traditional molecular testing.

However, the doctor of the American head of state did not specify on which days the tests were done, but says that the antigenic tests were not the only indicators that determined that Trump is no longer infected.

The medical team that oversees Trump’s state of health also said that the President is “no longer contagious”.

This statement was released at the same time that the head of state was aboard the presidential plane, Air Force One, heading to Florida for a rally.

This Sunday, the American president had said that was “immune” to covid-19, the day after your doctor said that there is no longer a risk of transmitting the virus.

“It looks like I’m immune, for, I don’t know, maybe for a long time, maybe for a little while, maybe for a lifetime. No one really knows, but I’m immune,” he said in a telephone interview with Fox News.

(News updated at 1:12 pm on Tuesday, October 13)

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