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USA does not have a ‘us or them’ attitude towards China

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – In the battle of strength between the US and China, the US government does not want to force international partners into a fundamental opposition to Beijing. “The United States will not force its allies to choose between us or them,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday in a speech in Brussels. There is no question that China’s actions threaten collective security and prosperity and that Beijing is actively working to undermine the rules of the international system. “But that doesn’t mean countries can’t work with China where they can.” This applies, for example, to issues such as climate change.

The US is aware that its allies have “complex relationships” with China that are not always perfectly in line with the US stance, Blinken said. But you have to tackle the challenges together. If the US and its allies cooperated and stood up for a free and open system, they could beat China and every other player on any field, he said.

The new US administration of President Joe Biden has taken a tough tone towards China and gives the country a prominent position in its foreign policy – as its biggest competitor. Blinken had previously warned that China was “the only country that has the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power” to seriously challenge the international order. The relationship with China is the “greatest geopolitical test of the 21st century”.

The first personal meeting of high-ranking representatives from the USA and China since Biden took office had been confrontational. The top diplomats from both countries engaged in talks in Alaska a few days ago – a highly unusual one for such diplomatic meetings – and made serious accusations against each other.

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