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USA: discovers that you are not the biological father of your child because clinic used sperm from another donor

A man from Utah (United States) discovered after more than 10 years that you are not the biological father of one of your children, since there was a confusion at the time of in vitro fertilization (IVF) of his wife.

“There were many emotions that we had to overcome, including the separation of our son’s love, which has not changed. This mistake that happened, how could it happen, why did it happen and what do we do now? ”Asks the American.

In 2007, Vanner and Donna Johnson decided to have a second child; However, experiencing difficulties, they went to the University of Utah Center for Reproductive Medicine for IVF treatment, which was successful.

After 14 years, Vanner and his wife bought a DNA test kit “for fun” – as they themselves point out – but after a month of waiting they received confusing results that raised more questions than answers. The test revealed that the youngest of their children, who is now 12 years old and was conceived through an in vitro fertilization procedure, he wasn’t actually Vanner’s biological son.

The man told ABC4 that when he received the results, he was confused, since the document indicated something that he had not finished processing. “When I looked at that page and saw that Donna appeared as the mother and I as the unknown father, I thought What did they mean by unknown father if I am his father?”, He specified.

“We have had to overcome a lot of emotions. First, to separate from this issue the love we have for our son who has not changed. And at the same time, continue dealing with the problem ”, added the subject.

After discovering the unusual event, the couple began to talk with their son to explain what had happened. Subsequently embarked on the search for the child’s biological father.

Both couples have already taken legal action against the medical center. “It is tremendously inappropriate. And as we went through that process I thought that, due to the seriousness of the issue, it would be approached differently or with more caution, but it was not, ”Vanner concluded.

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