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Usa, Clinton, Bush and Obama together in a video: “Biden cheering for you”

“The three of us are here to cheer for your success, we will always be available in every possible way to help you, as citizens, to carry our country forward”. This is the wish addressed to Joe Biden by Barack Obama in the video he recorded together with the other two former presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush in the amphitheater of Arlington National Cemetery to underline the importance of the “peaceful transition of powers” in democracy. American. In video, which was published last night, the three former presidents did not fail to refer to the extreme division and polarization of the country, with Donald Trump not accepting defeat to the end, defecting the inauguration of his successor after he his supporters who stormed Congress on January 6. And they explained that they wanted to give a message to the contrary, in support of Biden’s call for unity in his inauguration speech.

“The fact that the three of us are here talking about a peaceful transfer of power shows the institutional integrity of our country,” said Bush, the group’s only Republican, who succeeded Clinton in 2001 and left the White House in 2009. Obama. “We are not living in normal times – said Clinton – we are trying to go back to normal, face these totally abnormal challenges, and do what we do best: try to be an ever more perfect union”.

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