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USA. Another oral anti-COVID-19 drug approved by the FDA. This is the second one in two days

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Merck’s drug in a clinical trial of high-risk early-stage patients showed a reduction in hospitalizations and deaths by around 30%. It is intended for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults who are at risk of developing severe disease and for whom alternative treatments are not available or clinically inappropriate.

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The FDA has approved a second oral drug against COVID-19

On Wednesday, the FDA approved Paxlovid, a drug developed by Pfizer against COVID-19. It has been approved for use in patients in the early stages of the disease and is not intended for hospitalized patients, or as a preventive or replacement measure. vaccinations.

According to FDA Both Merck and Pfizer tablets could be promising tools for people with COVID-19, especially in view of the rapidly spreading omicron variant that currently dominates the United States.

“This drug is also extremely easy to use,” said Nick Kartsonis, Merck’s vice president of clinical research in infectious diseases. -No second required placeto make it more effective, and it can be given to a variety of special groups of patients, including people who have severe problems with their liver or kidneys. You do not have to worry about cooperation with accompanying drugs – he added.

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Virus-Outbreak-TreatmentsThe FDA has approved Paxlovid, the first oral anticovid drug

The FDA has approved a second oral drug against COVID-19. The drug will be available to people over 18 years of age

Kartsonis stressed that the drug helps prevent replication virus and should be effective against any variant, including omicron. The FDA explained that Merck’s drug is not approved for use in patients under the age of 18 because its ingredients may affect bone and cartilage growth. The pill is also not recommended for use during pregnancy.

The drug is to be taken twice a day – four tablets each time, for five days, which gives a full course of treatment with 40 tablets. According to Merck, the government USA placed an order for three million tablets.

(PAP) Authors: zm / ap /

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