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US vaccine by the end of the year: the announcement

A vaccine approved in October and distributed by the end of this year? The announcement was made in two, the US Pfizer and the German BioNTech who declared that they were “on track to apply for regulatory approval of their anti-Covid vaccine BNT162b2 already on next October“.

US vaccine by the end of the year: timing

Pharmaceutical companies have announced that they are ready to supply “up to 100 million doses worldwide by the end of 2020 and about 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021 ″ if “regulatory approval or approval is obtained,” Pfizer writes in a statement.

According to these timelines, the two Big Pharma companies could arrive to market the first doses of the vaccine around the month of November. In the international race for the definitive solution to Covid-19, this result would be among the fastest results announced so far.

US vaccine by the end of the year: the process

The two companies have already started phase 2 of 3 of the vaccine test worldwide to verify it safety and efficacy.

The results of the first phase in which 11,000 people were involved in the United States and Germany would be encouraging. For the second, the participation of 30 thousand subjects aged between 18 and 85 in various parts of the world, particularly in the countries most affected by the epidemic, in addition to the United States, also in Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Turkey and South Africa.

Stock market analysts place confidence in the success of this research, so much so that it makes people jump Actions of the two companies to + 95% for BioNTech and 11.4% for the US company, since the beginning of the year.

From a political point of view it is a finish line much hoped for by the President of the United States Donald Trump, who from this discovery could receive a decisive boost for the victory of the next presidential elections, precisely in November.

US vaccine by the end of the year: companies

The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer was born in 1849, in New York, by two German immigrants, cousins ​​Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart who began the manufacture of raw materials in the chemical and food sector, up to the mass production of penicillin of which it became a worldwide supplier, and today vaccines for diseases from the most common to the rarest ones.

The BioNTech it’s a biotechnology company German dedicated to the development and production of active immunotherapies. Founded in 2008, it combines innovative research with cutting-edge technologies to develop pioneering therapies for cancer and other conditions.

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