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“US Urges Political Transition in Haiti Amid Gang Violence and Opposition Demands”


US Urges Political Transition in Haiti Amid Gang Violence and Opposition Demands

The Caribbean nation of Haiti is currently facing a dire situation, with rampant gang violence and opposition groups demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. As chaos ensues in the capital city of Port-au-Prince, the United States has called for an urgent political transition to restore stability and pave the way for elections.

Prime Minister Henry’s whereabouts had been the subject of speculation until he landed in Puerto Rico on Tuesday. He had been in Kenya to secure an agreement for a multinational mission to restore security in Haiti. However, his return to Haiti was diverted to Puerto Rico after the Dominican Republic changed its mind about allowing his plane to stopover. US officials took the opportunity to contact Henry during his flight, urging him to step aside in favor of a transitional administration.

The Dominican Republic, on the other hand, rejected informal inquiries from both the US and Haiti’s government regarding a possible stopover for Henry’s plane. The Dominican government cited the lack of a defined flight plan as the reason for their refusal.

When asked about whether the US had asked Henry to resign, US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield stated that they have asked him to move forward with a political process that would establish a presidential transitional council leading to elections. The US State Department also clarified that they are not calling for Henry’s resignation but are urging him to expedite the transition to an empowered and inclusive governance structure.

Meanwhile, Port-au-Prince has been plagued by highly coordinated gang attacks on law enforcement and state institutions since Henry’s trip to Kenya. Armed groups have burned down police stations and released thousands of inmates from prisons, all in an attempt to overthrow Henry’s government. Jimmy Cherizier, a notorious gang leader, has claimed responsibility for these attacks and warned of dire consequences if the international community continues to support Henry. He even went as far as stating that the international community will be responsible for the lives lost in Haiti.

Former Prime Minister Claude Joseph, Henry’s predecessor, revealed that political opposition groups are discussing a possible transition of power in Port-au-Prince. This process would involve the appointment of a three-member transitional council, which would then select an interim president to lead the country. Joseph emphasized that Henry’s resignation has been overdue since February 7, when he promised to hold elections in 2023 but failed to do so due to the country’s insecurity.

The United States is also preparing for the potential mass migration from Haiti as the situation worsens. The Department of Homeland Security has expressed concerns that many people may flee the country, and they are taking measures to address this issue. Additionally, the US Secret Service provided security protection to Henry while he was in Puerto Rico, as is standard procedure for a foreign leader in the United States.

The United Nations Security Council is set to hold a meeting on Haiti to address the escalating crisis. The UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, has called on the international community to act swiftly and decisively to prevent Haiti from descending further into chaos. The deteriorating conditions in Haiti have raised concerns among international actors, and there is an urgent need for the deployment of a support mission to restore law and order.

In October, the UN Security Council authorized a multinational security support mission, with Kenya volunteering to lead it. However, the specifics of how the mission will operate and the timeline for deployment remain unclear.

As the situation in Haiti continues to unfold, it is crucial for international actors to come together and take decisive action to prevent further suffering for the people of Haiti. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated, and time is running out to restore stability and ensure a peaceful transition of power.

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