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US Senator did not rule out a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia to protect Ukraine

“I do not rule out military action,” the senator said.

When asked by the journalist what he meant, Wicker replied that American ships in the Black Sea could inflict a devastating blow on “Russian military potential.”

“This may mean that we are participating [в конфликте]… And I would not rule it out. I do not exclude the presence of American troops on the ground. We do not rule out the use of nuclear weapons first, “- explained the American politician.

He stressed that this is unlikely to happen, but during the negotiations one must be tough and not remove this option from the table.

Wicker believes that US President Joe Biden should have warned about this during the negotiations.

“The understanding that we have in Congress is that the loss of a free democratic Ukraine due to the Russian invasion will change the rules of the game for a free Europe,” the senator said.

Russian Embassy in the USA stated on Facebook that Wicker’s words are “irresponsible.”

“It is not appropriate for an American politician working in the US legislative body to joke with nuclear weapons,” Russian diplomats, in particular, noted.


Since the end of October, Western media have been writing that Russia resumed building up its troops near the border with Ukraine and this causes concern among high-ranking officials in the United States and the European Union.

On November 18, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, said that Russia was conducting a large-scale special operation against Ukraine to destabilize the situation both inside the country and abroad. The accumulation of Russian troops near the border of Ukraine “will continue and peaks around the end of January“he stressed.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, near the Ukrainian-Russian border and in the occupied territories of Ukraine, the Russian Federation concentrated already more than 94 thousand… Russian military. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov does not exclude that this figure soon may grow up to 175 thousand.

In the Kremlin called the messages about the preparation of the invasion “stuffing”, said that “Russia is not going to attack anyone and is not hatching any aggressive plans,” and accused Kiev of preparing to aggression “against” LPR “and” DPR “. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine denied the disinformation of the Russian Federation about the alleged preparation for a military attack in Donbass.

The United States and NATO have repeatedly called on Russia to de-escalate the stress at the border and transparency of intentions.

December 8 Putin and Biden had a two hour conversation over a secure video link.

The White House said Biden had expressed “deep concern” for the United States and its European allies over the Russian build-up of forces around Ukraine. Biden warned Putin on “decisive economic and other measures” in the event of an invasion of Ukraine, calling for a de-escalation of the situation.

During the conversation, Putin said that NATO attempts to “develop” the territory Ukraine. “Therefore, Russia is seriously interested in obtaining reliable, legally fixed guaranteesthat exclude NATO’s eastward expansion and the deployment of offensive strike weapons systems in states adjacent to Russia, “he said.

The White House noted that Biden did not make concessions to the Russian side regarding the possible entry of Ukraine into NATO.

Bloomberg wrote on December 7 that the Biden administration will seek from Germany gas pipeline stops Nord Stream 2, which is supposed to connect Russia and Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, bypassing Ukraine, if Putin decides to military invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine… The White House said that if Putin wants to see gas supplies on Nord Stream 2, he may not want to risk invading Ukraine.

Biden told Putin that The US is ready now to do what it did not do in 2014, said the adviser to the American president for national security Jake Sullivan, responding to a remark about Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

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