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US reports the third case of coronavirus of unknown origin


Authorities of Health Americans reported Friday the third case of coronavirus transmitted to a person who did not travel or was in direct contact with others who are infected, realizing the spread of the disease in the country.

After confirmations that two women are treated by the virus in California, local authorities reported a new case of unknown origin in the neighbor Oregon, also on the west coast of the country.

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It is believed that the patient, an adult who has been hospitalized, has had contact with people in an elementary school.

The director of the Health Authority from Oregon, Patrick AllenHe told journalists, however, that the case is considered “presumed,” while awaiting confirmation of the test results of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agency of the Department of Health.

“We’ve been waiting for this and we’re prepared for it,” Allen said.

Authorities said the elementary school will close until March 4, to do a deep cleaning.

With the latest reports, the new cases coronavirus in the country they add more than 60, including 46 people who were repatriated from abroad.

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