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US Pressuring Lebanon to Dismantle Hezbollah Outpost on Israeli Border: Axios

The Axios news website reported, citing Israeli and US officials, that the United States is pressuring the Lebanese government and army to take steps to dismantle a site set up by Hezbollah on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

The officials, whom Axios did not name, said that Hezbollah established the outpost on the Israeli side of the border several weeks ago.

A senior Israeli official stated that Hezbollah set up a tent on the eighth of last April in an area 30 meters south of the internationally recognized Blue Line, in an area that the United Nations considers “Israeli territory,” according to Axios.

The American and Israeli officials indicated that officials in the US State Department and the Department of Defense (the Pentagon) stressed to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and the Lebanese government and army the need to evacuate the Hezbollah site.

It is noteworthy that after the recent maneuvers carried out by Hezbollah elements last month, Western sources told Al-Arabiya / Al-Hadath that the party is exploiting the intelligence infrastructure of the Lebanese army in order to achieve military goals.

She added that the party had recruited agents within the official Lebanese intelligence institutions.

The sources pointed out that, over the past year, it had infiltrated intelligence equipment of the Lebanese army through “agent H.M.”, stressing that the party is also taking advantage of Western aid provided to the armed forces.

It also indicated that it uses the radars of Beirut Airport and the Lebanese Navy without the knowledge of the army leadership.

It is noteworthy that Hezbollah had reviewed its forces last month, with missiles, machine guns and tanks.

Hundreds of Hezbollah members carried out large-scale military maneuvers in southern Lebanon, with military exercises that simulated a ground attack, carrying missiles on their shoulders, while the yellow Hezbollah flags fluttered beside them.

Since the July war launched by Israel against Lebanon in 2006, which inflicted heavy human and material losses on it, most Lebanese have increasingly directed harsh criticism at the party, especially as the country is mired in its worst economic crisis in 3 years.

2023-07-01 07:05:34
#Axios #pressure #dismantle #Hezbollah #website

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