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US Presidential Election in the World Media Spotlight: Chaotic, Crazy, and Entertaining All

WASHINGTON DC, KOMPAS.com – In the middle vote count the presidential election of the United States which is still going on, a lot of attention media in the world it is focused on incumbent candidates Donald Trump who said they would take legal action.

Media the world also raised the “chaos” that had arisen amidst the vote count for the presidential election AS, with a focus on the key states that will decide who gets to the White House.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden superior to Georgia so far, for the first time. A result in Pennsylvania is also awaited with a slight difference and Biden is also expected to take the lead.

Tim BBC Monitoring summarizes the reaction of the world so far.

The relationship between the US and China, old rivals and economic strength competing with each other, have declined to their lowest levels in decades.

Both candidates in this election have promised to be firm in dealing with Beijing.

With this attitude, it is perhaps not surprising that the Chinese state media labeled this election “divisive, tense and chaotic” tainted by “rioting, mutual humiliation and money politics”. BBC Indonesia on Friday (6/11/2020).

“Many media and people are worried that if an election dispute occurs, this development could lead to chaos and even riots,” China’s official news agency said. Xinhua, reported on Tuesday.

Also read: US Presidential Election 2020: Pennslyvania Changes Direction of the Wind and Biden Changes Lead

Meanwhile, state news channel CCTV broadcast video reports focused on fears of post-election violence. “There is deep concern that there will be prolonged unrest,” the report said.

But the Chinese government has not said much. On Wednesday (04/11/2020), a spokesman said the government had “no position” on this election.

Chinese nationalist tabloids, Global Times, said this election had “engendered division, violence and suffering” in the US.

In China, the United States elections “function primarily as entertainment”, “(an opportunity to) peek inside the US and its chaotic society,” he added.

Of Russia, state news television channel, Russia 24, had time to cover this election thoroughly. “We keep following this madness,” said one of the presenters.

It’s worth remembering that the US intelligence community believes Russia attempted to influence the 2016 presidential election to benefit Trump, an accusation Moscow has repeatedly denied.

The two broadcasters are on Russia 24 joked about possible allegations of bias against the incumbent candidate.

Also read: US Presidential Election: Biden on the Verge of Victory, Tightening Security for Paspampres

“Some comrades … will listen to us now and conclude that we have declared Trump the winner,” said one presenter, to which his colleague replied, “This is pure math, nothing more.”

There has been no official comment from the Russian government, but pro-Kremlin politician Vyacheslav Nikonov has shown his excitement over the uncertainty of the election outcome.

“Whoever wins the lawsuit, half of the American people will not consider him the rightful president,” he wrote on Facebook. “Let’s prepare lots of popcorn.”

But on Friday (06/11/2020) morning, US Presidential Election no longer made headlines on the major pro-Kremlin television channels. Instead, they focused on Russia’s efforts to tackle Covid-19.

The channels all cover Trump’s election fraud claims, without mentioning, so far, that there is no evidence to support those claims.

Meanwhile on Europe, newspaper Italy, Corriere della Sera, views elections in the US as “the toughest test of democracy”, simultaneously demonstrating the “strengths and weaknesses of the US system” in terms of high voter turnout and “mechanisms that continue to cause electoral anomalies”.

Also read: 2020 US Presidential Election: Biden Enlarges Georgia’s Opportunities, Trump Outraged

Previously, the Minister of Defense German Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer warned that the US was facing a “very explosive situation”.

He said President Trump, who has vowed to challenge the election results in court, risks triggering a “constitutional crisis in the US”.

“(This) should worry us very much,” he added.

Surveys show that President Trump, who once claimed he succeeded in seducing Chancellor Angela Merkel, is still unpopular in Germany.

And many media outlets have reported that the government in Berlin is struggling to forge a strong relationship with the Trump administration.

Of France, the tone of the officials’ comments was very different. They think this election is not very important.

“Let’s be honest, the United States has not been a friendly partner with European countries for several years,” the Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire told Classic Radio.

“Neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump, whoever the American people elect tonight or tomorrow, nothing changes this strategic fact.”

He added, “The American continent has separated itself from the European continent.”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Great Britain Dominic Raab is more careful.

“Let’s wait and see what the results are,” said Raab.

Also read: Provisional US Presidential Election Results: Biden Surprisingly Superior in Georgia, Trump at the Edge of the Horn

“Obviously there is a fair amount of uncertainty. (The competition) is much tougher than I think a lot of people think.”

But that suggestion appears to have been ignored by the Prime Minister Slovenia Janez Jansa, who said the results were “pretty clear”.

Twitter flagged Jansa’s post congratulating Trump and accusing “mainstream media” of “denying the facts.”

His tweet was marked with a warning, “The official source may not state the election result at the time tweet this is sent. “

Jansa has consistently supported the US president and his policies since he became Prime Minister of Slovenia earlier this year.

Slovenia is the origin of Donald Trump’s wife, Melania.

As the vote count results continued to be announced, the international television channels Iran Press TV, which is state-funded, makes special coverage of the American elections.

“The threat of civil war” was a frequent topic of discussion, with one presenter saying that, to an outside observer, the American elections “looked terrifying”.

Country-run news channels, IRINN, also said the election was being held “under the shadow of unrest”.

Also read: Asking to stop the vote count for the presidential election, Trump is called an angry bad boy

Journalist Israel, Nahum Barnea in the newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, said he expected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “get along with Biden,” should he win.

While the Palestinian newspapers, Al Quds, doesn’t see enough prospect that the Biden administration will reverse President Trump’s siding with Israel.

Meanwhile, the media is on Amerika Latin, in particular, highlighted Donald Trump’s success in Florida which was driven by support from voters of Latin descent.

“Trump’s victory in Florida buries the prospect of … a victory for Democracy,” the well-known Brazilian newspaper Sao Paulo said in a headline.

“Voices from (citizens of) Venezuelan descent, Latin Cuban and evangelicals support the current president,” the paper commented.

Commentators in the region said the results in Florida show that the Republican president’s strategy of linking his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, with socialism has influenced exiles from Cuba and Venezuela.

“Trump has locked up an important electoral group in Florida, Cuban-Americans and other Hispanics believe that only the president guarantees they will be safe from a socialist government,” the Colombian newspaper said, The viewer.

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