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US President Trump and his wife are infected with Covid-19

President of the United States Donalds Tramps and his wife Melania Trump infected with the new coronavirus, social network “Twitter“confirmed the president himself.

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The pair of tramps tested the Covid-19 after one of the US president’s advisers, Hopai Hiksai, was found to be infected with the virus.

US President Trump reportedly announced on Thursday night that he would quarantine because one of his advisers Covid-19 infection has been reported.

Hiksai, “who works so hard, even giving up the shortest break, has just had a positive Covid-19 test. Terrible!” previously told on Twitter by Trump.

Hicks was reportedly on Tramp’s Tuesday with Air Force One, which took Trump to Cleveland to take part in the first presidential election debate with Joe Biden.

Hicks was also with Trump on a Marine One helicopter on Wednesday when Trump flew back to the White House after a rally in Minnesota.

Trump has said that in the new coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 200,000 Americans, the worst in the United States is behind us. He rarely wears a face mask, noting that he is often tested for Covid-19.

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