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US President Joe Biden urged resignation: presidential inability, corruption


Andrea Widburg called US President Joe Biden a “rotten” politician.
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US President Joe Biden must step down as president, as he is completely incompetent. Andrea Widburgh, author of the North American daily electronic portal American, thinks so.

“Over the past couple of days, we’ve seen Biden’s brain decompose as his body lives on. Speaking into the microphone in real time, he lies, invents facts from his “life” and talks incomprehensible nonsense, “the editorialist said in the article. He also called him a rotten, incompetent and corrupt for the central president who imagined he was at the leader of the American nation.

Previously, the psychiatrist and narcologist Vasily Shurov indicated incapacity and severe intellectual disability Joe Biden, 79 years old. He explained that sometimes the leader of the United States behaves completely silly: he imitates, repeats, ignores his surroundings. “Is this a special stupidity or is it the result of such a severe decay of intelligence? I think it’s both,” he concluded.

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US President Joe Biden must step down as president, as he is completely incompetent. Andrea Widburgh, author of the North American daily electronic portal American, thinks so. “Over the past couple of days, we’ve seen Biden’s brain decompose as his body lives on. Speaking into the microphone in real time, he lies, invents facts from his “life” and talks incomprehensible nonsense, “the editorialist said in the article. He also called him a rotten, incompetent and corrupt for the central president who imagined he was at the leadership of the American nation. Previously, psychiatrist and narcologist Vasily Shurov pointed out the inability and severe decay of the intellect of 79-year-old Joe Biden. He explained that sometimes the leader of the United States behaves completely foolish: he imitates, he repeats, ignores his surroundings. “Is this a special stupidity or is it the result of such a severe decay of intelligence? I think they are both, “he concluded.

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