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“US President Joe Biden Approves Sanctions on Israeli Settlers for Attacks on Palestinians in West Bank”

US President Joe Biden has taken a significant step by approving sanctions on four Israeli settlers accused of attacking Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The move comes as violence in the region has reached “intolerable levels,” according to Biden. The executive order signed by the President blocks these individuals from accessing US property, assets, and the American financial system. This marks a rare step by the US administration to target Israelis and is seen as a response to the escalating violence in the West Bank.

The recent surge in violence can be traced back to October 7 when Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel. Since then, approximately 370 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, with the majority of them being killed by Israeli forces. However, at least eight Palestinians have been killed by Israeli settlers, according to the UN. The executive order gives the US government the power to sanction any foreign nationals involved in attacking, intimidating, or seizing the property of Palestinians.

The decision to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers comes at a crucial time for President Biden, who is currently visiting Michigan, a state with a significant Arab-American population critical of his support for Israel. The Arab American Institute has reported a sharp decline in support for the Democratic Party among Arab Americans since the start of the conflict. This move can be seen as an attempt by Biden to address these concerns and demonstrate that he is taking action against settler violence.

A senior official in the Biden administration revealed that the President has repeatedly raised concerns with Israel about violence by settlers. The executive order not only sets out the groundwork for how the US will respond to further attacks in the West Bank but also represents an escalation compared to the visa restrictions imposed last year.

In a letter to Congress explaining his reasoning, President Biden stated that the situation in the West Bank, including extremist settler violence, forced displacement of people and villages, and property destruction, has reached “intolerable levels” and poses a serious threat to the peace, security, and stability of the region.

The initial round of sanctions targets four individuals who have directly perpetrated violence or engaged in repeated acts of intimidation, property destruction, and forced displacement of Palestinian communities. The US Treasury has named these individuals as David Chai Chasdai, Yinon Levi, Einan Tanjil, and Shalom Zicherman. Three of them reside in West Bank settlements, while one lives near the occupied region’s border.

It is important to note that these sanctions do not apply to American citizens who may be involved in the violence. However, the US expects Israel to hold accountable those responsible for settler violence. The State Department spokesman emphasized that the sanctions will have an impact on the four individuals and called for Israel to take further action.

Israel, on the other hand, expressed its dissatisfaction with the sanctions, describing the majority of West Bank settlers as “law-abiding.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office released a statement asserting that Israel takes action against all law-breakers and therefore sees no need for unusual measures on this issue.

This latest development further highlights the growing divide between the US and Israel. While the two countries have long been allies, they have recently disagreed on key issues, such as the creation of an independent Palestinian state. The US believes in a “two-state solution” as vital for long-term stability in the region, but Netanyahu has consistently rejected this idea. The differing views between the two leaders have dampened hopes for diplomatic negotiations and reviving the peace process.

In conclusion, President Biden’s approval of sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of attacking Palestinians in the West Bank marks a significant step by the US administration. The move comes in response to the escalating violence in the region and aims to address concerns raised by Arab Americans critical of Biden’s support for Israel. While Israel has expressed dissatisfaction with the sanctions, this latest development underscores the diverging views between the US and Israel on key issues, including the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

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