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US President Donald Trump Has Coronavirus | Abroad

He immediately writes to begin his recovery process and that they will work it out together.

Trump and Melania tested positive for the lung virus on Thursday evening (local time). They likely contracted it from close contact with adviser Hope Hicks, who accompanied Trump to the Cleveland presidential debate, among other things. It is not known whether Trump was infected at the time.

Hope Hicks

The White House doctor reports that Trump and Melania are being quarantined in the White House and that the president will continue to do his job.

The next debate will be on October 15. Due to the fourteen-day mandatory quarantine in the United States, it is not yet certain whether Trump will be able to argue with challenger Joe Biden again.

Disease symptoms

Trump reported on Twitter that he and his wife will immediately be quarantined and treated. He did not say whether he showed any symptoms.

Hicks traveled with Trump aboard Air Force One to the first presidential debate in Cleveland on Tuesday. She also went with the president to an election rally in the state of Minnesota a day later and was in the helicopter that then took Trump back to Washington.

It is not the first time that a high-ranking close associate of Trump has become infected. In July, his national security adviser Robert O’Brien tested positive for the lung virus. Two months earlier, Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary, appeared to have Covid-19 among the members.

Trump confirmed the ‘terrible’ news in an interview with Fox News Thursday evening, referring to the contamination of Hope Hicks. Trump seemed to be putting the suspected source of the contamination on soldiers and police officers. “It’s difficult when you’re around soldiers, air officers, marines, and police officers – and I’m with them very often – to say when they come to you, ‘stay away, stay away’. Hicks is a very warm person, ”Trump added. “The soldiers and officers want to hug us constantly because we have done so many good things for them.”


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