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US Position on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Sparks Public Anger and International Criticism

Xinhua News Agency, Cairo, October 21 (International Observation) The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is difficult to calm down, and the US position has aroused public anger

Xinhua News Agency reporter

U.S. President Biden submitted a special appropriation request to the U.S. Congress on the 20th totaling approximately US$106 billion, of which US$14.3 billion will be used for military assistance to Israel. In his speech, Biden called the aid “an unprecedented commitment to ensuring Israel’s security and will be used to enhance Israel’s military advantage.”

In the two weeks since the new round of conflicts between Palestine and Israel, the United States has not only sent additional military forces to the Middle East and provided a large amount of military assistance to Israel, but has also twice blocked the United Nations Security Council from passing draft resolutions on the situation between Palestine and Israel. Its stance has triggered criticism and protests. There were serious dissatisfaction even within the U.S. State Department, with some senior officials resigning over this, denounced the U.S. government as “short-sighted and unfair.”

Analysts pointed out that the new round of conflicts between Palestine and Israel continues to escalate, leading to large-scale civilian casualties and humanitarian crises, and its spillover effects are also impacting regional peace and stability. Against the background of the rapidly deteriorating situation on the ground in Gaza, a comprehensive ceasefire between Palestine and Israel should be the overriding priority goal. However, the actions of the US government have hindered the early resolution of the conflict and will only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. In the long term, allowing the current war in Gaza to continue will only intensify the vicious cycle of hatred and confrontation between Palestine and Israel, making the prospect of peaceful coexistence even more difficult to realize.

The United States adds fuel to the fire and triggers internal and external opposition

After a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out, the United States expressed firm support for its ally Israel and provided military assistance. Senior U.S. officials have visited Israel one after another, including Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, Defense Secretary Austin, and Commander of U.S. Central Command Michael Kurila. The United States has shipped a large number of aerial bombs and artillery shells to Israel, dispatched two aircraft carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean, and increased the number of fighter aircraft deployed in the region to strengthen deterrence against regional countries.

In addition, the United States has also tried its best to obstruct the international community’s efforts to resolve conflicts at the Security Council level. After voting against a draft resolution drafted by Russia on humanitarian issues in Gaza on the 16th, the United States vetoed a draft resolution drafted by Brazil on the 18th. The draft was approved by 12 members of the Security Council, but only the United States voted veto, causing the draft to fail to pass.

On October 18, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United Nations Security Council voted on a draft resolution drafted by Brazil on the situation between Palestine and Israel. On the same day, the draft resolution drafted by Brazil on the situation between Palestine and Israel was approved by 12 Security Council members, but the United States voted veto, resulting in the resolution not being adopted.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie E

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzia accused the United States of “hypocrisy” and “double standards.” Sergio Danese, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations, said it was very regrettable that silence and inaction prevailed. Nicolas de Rivière, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, expressed deep regret that the draft resolution was not adopted.

The U.S. policy on Palestine and Israel not only arouses dissatisfaction in the international community, but also triggers an outcry in the United States. U.S. State Department official Josh Paul announced his resignation on the 18th due to dissatisfaction with Biden’s continued increase in military assistance to Israel. In an interview with US media, Paul said that many colleagues working in the federal government and Congress have “similar feelings” and expressed “complete understanding” of his decision to resign.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken sent a letter to all State Department employees on the 19th, acknowledging that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused U.S. diplomats to “face challenges both professionally and personally.”

“Everything the United States is doing now is calling for war”

The actions of the United States triggered protests in many countries. Recently, people held rallies outside the U.S. embassy in Jordan and Lebanon, chanting anti-American slogans and protesting the U.S.’s favoritism for Israel. In Tehran, the capital of Iran, people protested in the city center and burned Israeli and American flags.

On October 18, people held a rally in Tehran, Iran. On the same day, people from Tunisia, Turkey, Iran and other countries held rallies to express support for the Palestinian people and condemn the attack on Gaza City hospitals.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shadati

In the United States, hundreds of protesters recently entered the office building of the U.S. House of Representatives to hold demonstrations, chanting slogans such as “Let Gaza survive” and calling for a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel. They were later arrested by the police. In France, thousands of people took part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the center of the capital Paris in recent days.

Mukhtar Ghobashi, deputy chairman of the Egyptian Arab Center for Political and Strategic Studies, said that the United States’ intolerant attitude is “outrageous, provocative, and immoral.” “The unjust actions of the United States have angered the Arabs in an unprecedented way.” world”.

Makram Rabah, a lecturer in the history department of the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, said Biden “doesn’t care what the Arabs want or think, and he has not made moderate remarks. On the contrary, all he is doing now is calling for war.”

Palestinian political analyst Ibrahim Rabaya said that Biden has repeatedly expressed support for Israel, which is an important reason for the persistence of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Ahmed Ashkar, an expert on Syrian political issues, also believes that the United States’ firm support for Israel has exacerbated the imbalance of the situation and continued the humanitarian crisis.

“The United States is behind the perpetuation of the Palestinian issue”

The U.S. government has been accused of being “partial” on the Palestinian-Israeli issue for many years. The relevant promises made by the Biden administration after taking office have so far not been fulfilled, including promoting peace between Palestine and Israel, reopening the Consulate General in Jerusalem responsible for Palestinian affairs, and preventing Israel from expanding settlements. Ziyad, a Palestinian think tank scholar, said that betting on the United States to solve the Palestinian issue is a “mirage.”

CNN reported that although the Biden administration claimed to support the “two-state solution” to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, they have taken little action towards this goal and appear to have made no active efforts.

On October 16, in Khan Younis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, people walked past the ruins of buildings damaged by Israeli air strikes. Published by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Rizek Abduljawad)

Mohammad al-Jubri, a professor of journalism at the University of Iraq, said: “The United States’ attitude towards the Palestinian issue is full of prejudice and unfairness, which is the main reason for the persistence of this issue for decades. The United States is the man behind the perpetuation of the Palestinian issue and treats Palestine The people are responsible for the injustice suffered.”

Ashkar, an expert on Syrian political issues, believes that the United States has always been biased in favor of Israel. This stance is not in line with the principle of justice. It has caused constant conflicts between Palestine and Israel, exacerbated the suffering of the Palestinian people, and constituted an obstacle to the achievement of a just and lasting peace. (Participating reporters: Qiu Xia, Yao Bing, Shen Danlin, Wang Hao, Jize, Liu Weijian, Xie Hao, Shadati, Dong Yalei, Wang Jian)

【Error correction】

[Editor in charge: Jiao Peng]

#PalestinianIsraeli #conflict #difficult #quell #stance #arouses #public #outrage #Xinhuanet
2023-10-21 12:59:18

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