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“US Navy SEALs Missing off the Coast of Somalia Declared Dead After 10-Day Search”


Tragedy Strikes: US Navy SEALs Declared Dead After 10-Day Search

In a devastating turn of events, the two US Navy SEALs who went missing off the coast of Somalia on January 11 have been declared dead. After an exhaustive 10-day search, the US Central Command announced that the missing SEALs were not located, and their status has been changed to deceased. The families of the fallen heroes have requested privacy during this difficult time, and no further information will be released.

The search effort was a multinational endeavor, with teams from the US, Japan, and Spain covering over 21,000 square miles in an attempt to locate the missing SEALs. The incident occurred when the sailors were boarding a vessel to search for illicit Iranian weapons. One of them fell into the water due to eight-foot swells, and the other followed protocol by jumping in after them, as previously reported by CNN.

The loss of these two Naval Special Warfare warriors is a tremendous blow to the military community. General Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of US CENTCOM, expressed his condolences, stating, “We mourn the loss of our two Naval Special Warfare warriors, and we will forever honor their sacrifice and example. Our prayers are with the SEALs’ families, friends, the U.S. Navy, and the entire Special Operations community during this time.”

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin also expressed his grief over the tragedy, saying, “We mourn the loss of our two brave Navy SEALs, and our hearts are with their families. The entire Department is united in sorrow today. We are grateful to all who worked tirelessly to try to find and rescue them.”

The US maintains a small military presence in Somalia, primarily focusing on countering the threat posed by the al-Shabaab militant group. Al-Shabaab is an extremist Islamist organization known for carrying out attacks against the Somali government and is recognized by the US as a terrorist organization. The US has been actively involved in training Somali forces and coordinating strikes against al-Shabaab.

According to US Africa Command, al-Shabaab is the largest and most active al-Qaeda network globally. The group has demonstrated its willingness and capability to target US forces and pose a significant threat to US security interests.

As the news of this tragic incident unfolds, the entire nation mourns the loss of these brave Navy SEALs. Their dedication, courage, and sacrifice will forever be remembered. The military community stands united in honoring their memory and supporting their grieving families during this difficult time.

This article has been updated with additional information.

Contributors to this report: Oren Liebermann, Haley Britzky, Natasha Bertrand, Katie Bo Lillis, and Jim Sciutto from CNN.

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