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US Military to Construct Gaza Port for Increased Humanitarian Aid: President Biden Announces

US pledges to build port to increase aid to Gaza

US pledges to build port to increase aid to Gaza

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The US military announced today that it will construct a port in Gaza to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the territory by sea. This significant move comes amid escalating concerns over the escalating humanitarian crisis and the urgent need to address the severe shortage of essential supplies in Gaza.

Increased Humanitarian Assistance

The temporary port initiative, spearheaded by President Joe Biden, aims to dramatically increase the amount of humanitarian assistance reaching the Palestinians by enabling “hundreds of additional truckloads” of essential resources to enter Gaza each day. However, it should be noted that the US has emphasized that no troops will land in Gaza, ensuring that the operation remains solely focused on aid delivery.

The United Kingdom has also pledged to collaborate with the United States, declaring their commitment to establishing a sea corridor to facilitate the direct delivery of aid to Gaza, further enhancing the international effort to alleviate the dire situation.

Addressing the Humanitarian Crisis

The United Nations has warned that Gaza is on the brink of a devastating famine, with a quarter of the population in urgent need of food and other vital supplies. The temporary port initiative is expected to play a crucial role in significantly increasing the incoming aid flow and supporting Palestinians in their quest for survival and sustenance.

Building the Port

The port construction project, which will be undertaken by the esteemed US military, involves the establishment of a temporary pier to enable the efficient transportation of supplies from ships at sea to the Gaza shore. However, it remains unclear who will be responsible for building the causeway and securing the aid on land, raising important considerations on the overall viability and success of the operation.

Officials have indicated that the construction of the port will take several weeks to complete. Once functioning, it will have the capacity to receive large ships loaded with vital resources such as food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters. The United States plans to initiate the initial aid shipments from Cyprus, with thorough Israeli security inspections prior to their delivery in Gaza.

International Support and Humanitarian Accountability

President Biden stressed the importance of international collaboration, calling on Israel to facilitate the entry of aid into Gaza and ensure the safety of humanitarian workers amid on-ground conflicts. The humanitarian crisis cannot be ignored or exploited for political purposes. Prompt, effective, and impartial aid delivery is necessary to alleviate the suffering and avoid the further deterioration of the situation in Gaza.

The British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, echoed the US commitment by affirming that the United Kingdom, in collaboration with the US and other partners, will open a maritime corridor to enable the direct and efficient delivery of aid to the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Need for Urgent Assistance

Gaza has been grappling with a severe aid crisis due to the Israeli military’s comprehensive air and ground campaign initiated after Hamas’ attacks on Israel. The grim aftermath of the month-long conflict resulted in the loss of over 1,200 lives and another 253 people being taken hostage. The conveniently located port will significantly aid in overcoming the logistical challenges and play a pivotal role in managing the immediate needs of the population in Gaza.

The shortage of a deep water port in Gaza led the United States to investigate alternative ways of providing expedient aid delivery. The port construction initiative, which will be executed by the 7th Transportation Brigade, a rapid deployment unit based in Virginia, has been deemed an accomplishable and effective relief operation, albeit in coordination with ongoing land-based efforts.

International Response and Criticisms

The international community has resorted to various aid delivery methods, including dropping supplies from the air. However, such measures can only serve as temporary and limited solutions, leaving the ever-increasing needs of the population unmet. These makeshift delivery methods prompt criticism from multiple humanitarian organizations, urging governments to swiftly establish long-term solutions and guarantee a sustainable lifeline for Gaza.

An independent UN expert condemned Israel, accusing it of employing “a starvation campaign against the Palestinian people in Gaza.” Michael Fakhri, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, confronted the UN Human Rights Council with the harrowing images of starvation in Gaza and the global community’s perceived inaction.

Global Diplomacy for a Ceasefire

During his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden emphasized his tireless efforts to secure an immediate six-week ceasefire and resolve the ongoing hostage crisis, which, in turn, will effectively address the humanitarian catastrophe. The United States continues to work with international mediators, primarily Egypt and Qatar, to negotiate the release of Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.


The US government’s decision to construct a port in Gaza to expedite the delivery of vital humanitarian aid marks a significant step towards addressing the pressing needs of the Palestinian population. Supported by the United Kingdom and international partners, this initiative aims to alleviate the famine-like conditions and ensure the efficient and equitable distribution of essential resources. In conjunction with existing aid delivery approaches, the temporary port will play a vital role in speeding up relief efforts and supporting the lives of those in desperate need.

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