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US, Japan, and Australia to Conduct Joint Military Drills in South China Sea Amid Rising Tensions

United States, Japan, and Australia to Conduct Joint Military Drills in South China Sea

Philippine officials have revealed that the United States, Japan, and Australia are preparing to conduct joint military drills in the disputed South China Sea this week. The move aims to demonstrate the three countries’ commitment to upholding the rule of law in the region following recent Chinese aggression in the disputed waters.

According to two Filipino security officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, the joint drills will involve three aircraft and helicopter carriers sailing together and undertaking joint exercises. The commanders of the participating countries will also meet with their Filipino counterparts in Manila after the offshore drills.

The United States plans to deploy the USS America aircraft carrier, while Japan will send its helicopter carrier JS Izumo. The Royal Australian Navy will contribute its HMAS Canberra, which also carries helicopters. The joint drill was reportedly planned several months ago.

Although the Philippines will not be part of this week’s drills due to military logistical limitations, officials have expressed openness to participating in future exercises.

The decision to conduct joint military drills comes in response to an incident earlier this month when six Chinese coast guard ships and two militia vessels blocked two Philippine navy-chartered civilian boats delivering supplies to Philippine forces stationed at the Second Thomas Shoal. One of the supply boats was hit with a powerful water cannon by the Chinese coast guard, while the other managed to deliver essential provisions to the Filipino forces.

The United States, Japan, and Australia were among several countries that immediately expressed support for the Philippines and concern over China’s actions during the tense stand-off.

China, which claims virtually the entire South China Sea as its own, has defended its actions, stating that the Philippine vessels strayed without permission into the disputed shoal. The Chinese coast guard acknowledged using water cannons as a warning but emphasized that the operation was professional and restrained.

In response to the incident, the Philippine military announced that it would make another attempt to deliver basic supplies to its forces in the Second Thomas Shoal. The mission is seen as a demonstration of the Philippines’ resolve to stand up against threats and coercion and uphold the rule of law.

The joint military drills also come as China appears to be constructing an airstrip on Triton Island, a disputed South China Sea island claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. Satellite photos indicate that the construction on Triton Island is similar to the development of seven other man-made islands in the Spratly group, which have been equipped with airstrips, docks, and military systems.

China’s actions in the South China Sea have been a source of concern for neighboring countries and the international community. The United States, Japan, and Australia, along with other countries, have repeatedly expressed their opposition to unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the region and have reaffirmed their commitment to international law and freedom of navigation.

The joint military drills serve as a show of force and a message to China that the three countries are united in their commitment to maintaining peace, stability, and the rule of law in the South China Sea.

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