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US intelligence reveals the secret of Russia’s use of Iranian and North Korean weapons

Al-Marsad Newspaper: US National Intelligence Director Avril Haynes explained that Russia is firing its precision ammunition at an “unsustainable rate,” which has made it dependent on lower-capacity weapons and technological aids.

Russia has entered the war with a huge supply of ammunition, but it is firing at it at a speed it cannot afford, and this is especially true of high-precision weapons such as cruise missiles they use to strike the Ukrainian power grid. and other targets, in short, are running out of supplies, “Haynes noted at an intelligence conference in Washington. “.

He added that US sanctions and restrictions on Russian exports have contributed to “a significant supply shortage, forcing Russia to resort to Iran and North Korea, as well as relying on temporary solutions.”

“The restrictions have forced Russia to rely on smuggling chips wherever possible, possibly leading to weapons with lower capabilities,” he said.

Ukraine’s air force said it destroyed 37 Iranian-made Kamikaze drones and three cruise missiles in the country’s south and east early Monday.

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