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US Intelligence Reveals Details of Yevgeni Prigojine’s Mutiny Against Vladimir Putin

American Secret Services Knew About Prigojine’s Rebellion Against Putin Weeks in Advance

After the failed rebellion led by Yevgeni Prigojine against Vladimir Putin on June 23, 2023, new details about the organization of the mutiny have emerged. According to reports from The Washington Post and CNN, the American secret services were aware of Prigojine’s plans two weeks before the rebellion took place.

The American intelligence officials reportedly knew that the leader of the private military group Wagner was preparing a “major challenge” against the Russian military leadership. However, they did not have specific information about the objectives of the rebellion. The secret services allegedly warned the “Gang of Eight,” which refers to the leaders of Congress, about the impending threat early last week.

During the last two weeks, the secret services observed suspicious movements of the Wagner group and an accumulation of equipment, weapons, and ammunition near the Russian border. These observations indicated that a rebellion was being planned.

Prigojine had announced the first act of the mutiny on Telegram, stating, “We are turning our columns and returning in the other direction to our field camps, in accordance with the plan.” This confirmed that the rebellion had been carefully planned in advance.

Despite having prior knowledge of the rebellion, the United States and the West chose not to intervene to avoid escalating violence or foreign involvement, which could have been perceived negatively by Putin. According to sources, Putin himself was aware of the betrayal by Prigojine at least 24 hours before the rebellion took place.

Following the failed rebellion, Prigojine, the leader of the paramilitary group Wagner, left the Russian army headquarters in Rostov-on-Don and fled to an unknown location. His press office claimed that he had escaped to Belarus, but his current whereabouts remain unknown.

In response to the mutiny, Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Kremlin, announced that the legal proceedings against Prigojine would be dropped. The Kremlin justified this decision by stating that Prigojine’s actions were not deserving of sanctions due to his past record of service in favor of Russia.

The revelation that the American secret services were aware of Prigojine’s rebellion weeks in advance raises questions about the effectiveness of intelligence gathering and the response of world leaders to such threats. The incident serves as a reminder of the fragile nature of Putin’s Russia and the challenges it faces both domestically and internationally.

What methods might the American secret services have used to obtain information about the rebellion plans led by Prigojine?

Ht” – a term used to refer to a group of influential Russian oligarchs led by Prigojine – that their plans had been detected and that the Russian government was aware of their intentions.

It is unclear how the American secret services obtained this information and whether they shared it with Russian authorities. Some sources suggest that the intelligence was collected through intercepted communications between Prigojine and his associates, while others argue that it may have been obtained through human intelligence sources within the Gang of Eight.

The revelation that the American secret services were aware of the rebellion plans raises questions about their involvement and motives. Some speculate that the United States could have been using this information as leverage against Putin’s government, potentially aiming to undermine his regime or gain an advantage in future negotiations.

Others argue that the American secret services may have simply been monitoring the situation out of concern for regional stability and the potential impact of the rebellion on neighboring countries. In any case, the fact that the information was not shared with Russian authorities suggests a complex web of international espionage and power dynamics.

The failed rebellion led by Prigojine was swiftly crushed by the Russian military, resulting in the capture and detention of the rebel leader and his associates. Putin hailed the operation as a success and a demonstration of Russia’s commitment to maintaining law and order.

While the American secret services’ knowledge of the rebellion plans may have been significant, it ultimately did not prevent the mutiny from taking place. This highlights the difficulty of intelligence gathering and the challenges in effectively countering threats to national security.

The fallout from the failed rebellion continues to unfold, with Russia tightening its grip on power and cracking down on dissent. The episode serves as a reminder of the complex and ever-evolving nature of international relations, as well as the covert actions taken by intelligence agencies to gather information and protect their respective interests.

1 thought on “US Intelligence Reveals Details of Yevgeni Prigojine’s Mutiny Against Vladimir Putin”

  1. This article sheds light on the intriguing mutiny led by Yevgeni Prigojine against Vladimir Putin, providing valuable insight into the complex dynamics of politics and power in Russia. It’s fascinating to see the US intelligence revealing such details, adding a new dimension to the already complex picture.


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