Home » today » Business » US inflation has jumped to its highest levels since 1990. The effect on investment classes, from Bitcoin to Stock Exchanges

US inflation has jumped to its highest levels since 1990. The effect on investment classes, from Bitcoin to Stock Exchanges

The expensive prices on the financial markets

In October, the consumer price index in the United States jumped to 6.2%, surprising (in negative) investors. Here is the scenario that lies ahead in 2022 and the correlations between the financial sectors

by Vito Lops

L’inflation continues to surprise investors. Expectations were for a 5.8% year-on-year increase in the US consumer price index in October. On the other hand, the figure released on 10 November indicates a + 6.2%, which is even more striking when compared to + 5.4% in September. We are at the highest level since 1990 in a context that does not make everyone agree: there are those who continue to go in the direction of the rhetoric of the central banks – which for eight months have defined the phenomenon as transitory because it is linked …

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