Western parts to Iranian Shaheed-136
40 of the 52 are made by American companies.
“There was also a Korean microprocessor”
UN sanctions ban high-tech parts from Iran
Imported for civilian use, illegally diverted into weapons
Difficult to shoot down due to Iran’s slow speed and low flight
Shot down by an air defense missile…7 times more expensive
▲ Remains of an Iranian Russian drone shot down near Kufiyansk in the northeast by the Ukrainian army (date unknown). Kupyansk AP
It has been revealed that 40 key parts, from the “microprocessor” that is the brains of Russia’s “Iranian self-destruct drone” that attacked Ukraine, were found to be “Made in America”. Following Russia’s armed maritime demonstration with a frigate equipped with a ‘hypersonic missile’, the US has decided to supply ‘Bradley armored personnel carriers’ to Ukraine, heightening tensions since the start of the new year.
CNN reported on the 4th (local time), “A pile of parts manufactured by American and Western companies was found in an Iranian drone (Shahead-136) that was shot down over Ukraine last fall.”
A total of 52 parts have been used in Iranian drones, 40 of which were manufactured by 13 American companies. About 20 microcontrollers, voltage regulators, and digital signal controllers were made by Texas Instruments, the GPS module was made by Hemisphere GNSS, and the microprocessor was made by NXP. The other 12 parts were produced in Canada, Switzerland, Japan, Taiwan and China.
An Iranian Russian drone flew over the Ukrainian capital of Kiev in October last year. Kiiwu AFP Yonhap News
The British Arms Watch Group Conflict Arms Research Institute (CAR) also said 82% of all drone parts found on the battlefield in Ukraine last year were American-made. The Voice of Ukraine, a local Ukrainian media outlet, reported that there was a case where a Korean-made microprocessor was installed in the downed Shahhead-136.
The export of high-tech parts to Iran violates the United Nations Security Council Resolution (2231), which includes an arms embargo against Iran, but it is virtually impossible to detect whether Iran imports them for civilian use and mounts them on weapons.
Russia has hit infrastructure industries across Ukraine with Iranian-made drones made from the latest western parts. The Shahed-136 is so small and low-flying at low speeds that it is difficult to shoot down Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 fighters.
▲ Ukrainian soldiers fly a drone in Donetsk on the 15th of last month (local time). ap
Ukraine’s position is that it has shot down 80% of Russian drones with its air defense network, but the cost loss is also growing day by day. The production cost of the Shahhead-136 is only US$20,000 (about 25 million won), while the Soviet-made S-300 missile that shoots it down costs $140,000 (about 170 million won), and the US-made NASAMS costs $500,000. (About 630 million won.) On this day, US President Joe Biden answered “yes” when asked if he was considering supplying Bradley armored vehicles to Ukraine. French President Emmanuel Macron, who has emphasized diplomatic solutions, also agreed to supply the AMX-10 RC, an armored fighting vehicle made in France, in a phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Associated Press reported. It is interpreted as a preparation for Russia, defeated on the Eastern Front at Donetsk, to reorganize its battle lines and launch a general offensive again with a land battle.
▲ The country’s Bradley armored car. ap
In a video address the previous day, President Zelensky said: “There is no doubt that Russia is throwing all its remaining resources and manpower into turning the tide of the war, or at least delaying its defeat.” In addition, Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Hannah Malyaar predicted on Telegram: “Russia is very likely to issue a second partial mobilization order in the first quarter of this year.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed that day in a video conference call with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu that “a frigate equipped with the latest ‘Cirkon’ hypersonic missile system has started cruising in the Atlantic Ocean”. In other words, the intention is to flaunt military might in the name of maritime training. With a speed of Mach 8, Chircon is considered nearly impossible to detect and defend.
Correspondent Gyeongju Lee in Washington