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“US government raises concerns over North Korea’s religious freedom violations; UN addresses human rights violations of North Korean women in China”


The US government has repeatedly raised serious concerns about the violation of religious freedom, saying that North Korea is executing and torturing people for religious activities.

At the United Nations, for the first time in China, the issue of human rights violations of North Korean refugee women has become an issue.

This is Washington Correspondent Kwon Joon-gi.


The U.S. Department of State released the 2022 Religious Freedom Report and pointed out North Korea as one of the representative religious freedom violating countries.

[토니 블링컨 / 미 국무부 장관 : 세계 각 지역 정부들은 고문과 구타, 불법 감시, 재교육 캠프 등으로 종교적 소수자들을 표적으로 삼고 있습니다.]

The report said that religious activities in North Korea are operated only for propaganda under the control of the authorities, and that unauthorized religious activities are subject to reporting.

In particular, he pointed out that executions and torture are being committed for religious activities, saying that the situation has not changed even after the 2014 report of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea, which accused human rights violations in North Korea.

The US State Department report also took a direct hit to China’s violations of religious freedom.

Religious oppression of Xinjiang Uyghurs, Tibetan Buddhism, Falun Gong, etc. is at a serious level.

[토니 블링컨 / 미 국무부 장관 : 위구르 캠페인과 위구르 인권 프로젝트와 같은 NGO는 중국 신장에서 주로 무슬림 지도자들에 대한 대량 학살과 반인도적 범죄를 기록하고 있습니다.]

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women dealt with the human rights issue of North Korean women in China.

North Korean refugee women who suffer from human trafficking and forced marriage because they are illegal immigrants are deprived of their children, and the Chinese government is being held accountable.

[달리아 레이나르테 / 유엔 여성차별철폐위원회 위원 : 아이의 중국인 아버지는 북한 어머니가 남한으로 가거나 북한으로 추방된 뒤에야 출생신고를 한다고 합니다.]

This is the first time that the issue of women defecting from North Korea has become an issue at the United Nations, not in North Korea, but in China, and it is known that it is in response to the continuous demand for public discussion by North Korean human rights groups.

This is YTN Junki Kwon from Washington.

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#Religious #Freedom #Report #Execution #torture #religious #activities #North #Korea
2023-05-15 21:11:00

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