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US Government Denies Disagreements in Five-Year Committee on Dealing with Lebanon Issue: Latest Updates and Analysis


US government sources deny to Al Arabiya and Al Hadath that there are disagreements among the members of the Five-Year Committee on dealing with the Lebanon issue

Washington – Pierre Ghanem

Published on: September 21, 2023: 01:13 PM GST Last updated: September 21, 2023: 02:16 PM GST

No announcement or statement was issued about a meeting held in New York between representatives of the Five-Year Committee on Lebanon, and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, contented herself with a tweet after her meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, in which she said that the good conversation dealt with “the importance of holding presidential elections quickly.” And American support for necessary economic reforms that benefit the Lebanese people.”

It is also noted that the statement of the meeting between the US Secretary of State and the ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council did not talk about Lebanon, but rather talked about Syria, Iran, Yemen and other issues and did not mention Lebanon.

The American position

In the absence of new positions, or a shift in the position of any of the parties, a US State Department spokesman confirmed in statements to Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath that Washington is “working closely with partners in the International Group to Support Lebanon, and is working to invite Lebanese officials to elect a president.” Forming a government and implementing urgent reforms in the interest of the Lebanese people.” The Foreign Ministry spokesman recalled that the group known as the “Quint” had previously issued statements in this regard.

Jean-Yves Le Drian (archive from Reuters)

US government sources deny that there are differences between the members of the quintet over dealing with the Lebanon issue, and US State Department statements to Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath say that the Americans are working “closely with France and with the former French Foreign Minister – and now the presidential envoy of President Manuel Macron – Jean-Yves.” Le Drian, as well as with other partners, to reach a common approach to urge Lebanese officials to elect a president, form a government, and implement reforms.”

The Foreign Ministry spokesman added in his statements to Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath that while each country has different means that it uses, we support all efforts to push the Lebanese elite to achieve the necessary goals in accordance with the Doha Statement on July 17.

Open doors

It is possible to talk a lot about the agreements of the French and the Americans or their differences, including what leaked that a meeting was held in New York and witnessed sharp disagreements between the parties, but it is clear that the Americans want to maintain coordination between the parties of the quintet, and they also want to maintain the doors open to all parties. In Lebanon.

Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri (Associated Press)

The Americans, despite all the Lebanese and non-Lebanese calls, do not want to resort to severe measures that cut off contact with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri. Statements have been issued by senior members of the US Congress calling for the imposition of sanctions on anyone who obstructs sessions to elect a president, and what was meant by Nabih Berri, But the US administration still rejects such a measure.

Lebanese presidential candidates Jihad Azour and Suleiman Franjieh

Inactive role

Another interesting thing about the Americans’ position is that they appear to be an inactive player. They refrain from supporting a candidate by name, and they also refrain from objecting to another candidate.

In the case of Jihad Azour and the great support he received from Lebanese representatives, the Americans maintained a silent position, and one of the speakers in Washington indicated that the American administration knows Jihad Azour well, and he works in the International Monetary Fund, and the department headed by Jihad Azour is responsible for the reform program that was implemented. It was approved between Lebanon and the International Monetary Fund, yet Washington did not support his candidacy, and did not ask some independents close to it to vote for him when they abstained from voting.

Joseph Aoun

In the case of Suleiman Franjieh, although he is the candidate of Hezbollah and the Amal Movement, the Americans refrained from saying that they do not want him. He previously said that Washington would deal with any president of the republic in Lebanon, regardless of who supported him to become president of the republic.

In addition, no one in the American capital hides a kind of prior acceptance of the person of Lebanese Army Commander Joseph Aoun, firstly because of the success of the relationship between his institution and the Americans, and because he remains an independent figure not involved in politics in Lebanon, and yet the Americans do not declare that they support him.

Specifications only

So far, the Americans are satisfied with the specifications, and a Foreign Ministry spokesman told Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath: “The Lebanese people deserve leaders, including a president, and a government with full powers and functioning, who believe in accountability, transparency, and moving the country forward.”

He adds that the American administration wants to see Lebanese leaders who are not immersed in corruption, who have the intention to make difficult decisions, and make the effort required to help the economy get back on track.

This method among the Americans is not new, as the absence of activity and pressure on local, regional and international parties occurred the previous two times, and the matter led the first time to the election of Michel Suleiman as President of the Republic after months of vacuum, and then it led to the election of Michel Aoun as President of the Republic.

On the other hand, the American administration seems interested in continuing stability in Lebanon and on the border with Israel, and the visit of presidential envoy Amos Hochstein was in this context. He wanted to make sure that the parties were still serious about implementing what they agreed upon, and American government sources say, “He returned optimistic from Lebanon.” “As long as the two parties are serious, the dialogues will continue.”

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2023-09-21 10:16:55
#Lebanon #method #accustomed #to.. #Washington #plays #passive #role #Lebanon

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