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US elections leave record numbers for equality, with more women and more transgender people in office | International

The elections held on November 3 in the United States, of which the presidency is still hanging by a thread due to the counting of the votes in some states, have been a milestone in representativeness and equality in the country, with almost double the number of representatives transgender or non-binary elected and record number of women in Congress.

At least 106 women have won a seat in the United States House of Representatives according to media projections, which is a record from the 102 women who previously held office so far, according to the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP).

Women from both parties, Republican and Democrat, make their way into the Lower House, especially the former with a higher volume of elected compared to previous figures, on the road to equality, although they are still less than 30 percent of the total number of members of Congress. In addition, it is noteworthy that women of color have set a record within the aforementioned, with at least 46 representatives, according to the projections of the television network ABC News.

On the other hand, citizens who cast their votes at the polls in six states on Tuesday have elected at least eight transgender or gender non-binary representatives for Congress and a US State Senate. Three of the positions currently held by a transgender person have been revalidated in Colorado (1) and New Hampshire (2), according to the projections of the television network NBC News, to which are added another five new transgender representatives. Among them is the Democrat Sarah McBride, who has made history by becoming the first transgender woman to be elected to a state Senate.

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