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US elections 2020, Biden launches anti-Covid task force: ‘Use the mask’ – USA 2020

“The news on the vaccine gives hope, but the battle is still long, a dark winter still awaits us with the risk of another 200 thousand deaths. This is why I invite you to wear a mask, which is not a political statement”: Joe Biden climbs with Kamala Harris on stage at the Queen Theater of her Wilmington after appointing her anti Covid task force and curbs the enthusiasm with which the stock exchanges and the world public opinion have welcomed Pfizer’s announcement on the success of its vaccine. A vaccine for which it calls for “a rigorous, science-driven and fully transparent approval process” so as not to undermine people’s trust. But, he warns, “even if it is approved, it will not be widely available for months” and measures against the virus must therefore be respected. “Last week – he recalled – we exceeded 120,000 cases in several days, infections are rising, along with hospitalizations and deaths. This pandemic is claiming nearly a thousand American lives a day, nearly 240,000 deaths so far, but projections indicate that we could lose another 200,000 lives in the next few months before the vaccine is available for everyone “, he warned on the day when the US exceeded 10 million cases. Then he explains that his task force will help implement the anti Covid plan from the first day of his inauguration, January 20: the objectives are “the increase of tests, the creation of an infection tracing system, the definition of lines clear guidance, the supply of resources to small businesses, schools and kindergartens to reopen safely “, waiting for a vaccine that will then be” distributed for free, starting from the population at risk “. Biden speeds up his agenda. The first move was the appointment of a task force of 13 doctors and scientists, which will be led by Vivek Murthy, former surgeon general (chief operating public health) under Barack Obama, Davide Kessler, former head of the Drug and Food Administration (Fda) and Marcella Nunez-Smith, professor of public health at Yale. The team also included two former exponents of the Trump administration: Luciana Borio, a Brazilian biodefence expert of Sicilian origins, and Rick Bright, the vaccine expert hunted after he denounced the White House pressure on hydroxychloroquine and its ineptitude in the fight against the pandemic. Meanwhile, Joe continues to work on the government team as well. He may soon announce some key positions in the White House, including the chief of staff.

Usa 2020, Biden and Harris together to unite the Americans

The US president-elect chose Wilmington’s Chase Center for his victory speech: “The people of this country have spoken, we have won a convincing victory.” “There were no blue or red states, there is only the United States.”

“I will be a president who unites and not a president who divides. Let’s listen to each other again, we are all Americans”: this is the message of national reconciliation launched by Biden. “Let’s give each other a chance by helping each other”. “Our work begins with putting Covid under control. I will spare no effort against this pandemic.”

“It is enough to treat our opponents as enemies”, said Joe Biden, launching an appeal to national unity. “The world is watching us”, he added, “and we will go back to being a respected country in the world”.

“It doesn’t matter who you vote for. Joe Biden and I will be loyal, honest and always ready to take care of all of you and your families”: this is the message, always of unity, launched by Kamala Harris after one of the electoral campaigns most divisive in American history. “I am the first female vice president but I will not be the last. This is a country of opportunity,” she said. Turning to the girls she says: “dream with ambitions”. Then the thanks to the Americans “for making their voices heard” at the polling stations: “Thank you for voting en masse. You have chosen hope, unity, science and above all truth”. It is a “new day for America”.


And the president-elect once inaugurated in the White House on January 20 plans to immediately sign a series of decrees to overturn some of the decisions made by outgoing President Donald Trump. In accordance to reports the Washington Post. The measures include the US re-entry into the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization. He will then abolish the ban on immigration from Muslim countries and restore the program for the protection of the Dreamers.


– Who is Joe Biden (THE PROFILE), elected 46th president of the United States

– Who is Kamala Harris (THE PROFILE), the first female vice president

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