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US DARPA “Supporting the development of drugs that do not feel cold”


US DARPA “Supporting the development of drugs that do not feel cold”

The US Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has begun funding the development of a drug that protects humans from extreme cold. It could be a medicine to save everyone from the cold, from treating hypothermia to working in the Arctic. Of course, due to the nature of the organization, the biggest purpose seems to be to enable the military to move even in extreme land.

Rice University research team (Jerzy Szablowski) is funded through the YFA (Young Faculty Award) supported by DARPA, and the research has been decided. There are two ways the body generates heat. One of the most well-known is Shivering. However, what the research team is paying attention to is generating heat in brown adipose tissue, which is another method. The reason why animals and babies do not shiver and generate heat is because they burn this brown fat to keep their bodies warm.

The research team says that the method of warming the body by burning brown fat through a chemical reaction warms the body faster than shivering, but it is not efficient, and in the case of humans, heat cannot be generated up to this point. Therefore, the first step in research is to find a way to safely burn brown adipose tissue more efficiently.

If we can find a way to burn brown adipose tissue in this study, it is expected that it can be used for obesity or metabolic diseases. Related information this placecan be found in

Reporter Jeong Yong-hwan

A bread nerd who opened his eyes to technology after working for a large company and turned into a writer. I want to share the pleasure of meeting new technologies and startups with readers.

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