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US Area Codes – The Shrill Signal from West Virginia – MAZ

Voters in the economically weak region, which is only a two hour drive from Washington away begins to speak clearly for Bernie Sanders out. Knowing that the senator is out Vermont mathematically speaking, if the Democrats have no chance of running for president, they are missing out Clinton a reminder – and also the administration of Barack Obama.

The former stronghold of American mining feels abandoned by the two politicians, as they are campaigning for an exit from coal mining – without naming alternatives for the regions affected. So had Clinton Just a few days ago I said in no uncertain terms: “During mine Presidency many mining companies will lose their businesses. The workers should better look for a new job today. ”

Donald Trump gewann in West Virginia.
Source: imago

However, the consequences of structural change are dramatic: West Virginia is considered the second poorest state, which has only offered its residents little prospects since the decline of the old industry. Many people survive in poorly paid service jobs, and the number of drug addicts is alarming to local health authorities.

Bernie Sanders therefore had an easy game when, on his campaign tour through the deserted landscape, he was caught by the greed of the big corporations and the misguided politics in Washington spoke.

And Donald Trump again, the only remaining candidate of the Republicans also won his victory in West Virginia celebrates, goes one step further: The controversial businessman promises the unemployed miners to restart coal mining on a large scale – although he should know as well as the miners that this promise is considered dubious among experts. West Virginia has not just suffered from a coal crisis since Obama increasingly advocates alternative energies. Rather, the price of coal has fallen so low that the production in the Appalachian Mountains is largely unprofitable. In any case, the mining companies are now so highly technical that the remaining mines can only be operated by a few skilled workers.

However, on serious debates about structural change in states like West Virginia, Kentucky or Wyoming so far neither Sanders yet Trump a. Both rely on Clinton to assume a great distance to the workforce.

It is currently difficult to say whether this strategy will catch on with voters across the country. What is certain is that Sanders the position of his party favorite weakens the longer he stays in the race. So mocked Trump on Tuesday about his competitor, who would not even succeed in asserting himself against a single opponent, while he had to take on a total of 16 internal party opponents.

The Republican front runner also announced to New York journalists this week that it would not be too specific with the party’s own program. Rather, his goal is to win over many voters from the original camp of the Democratic Party.

From Stefan Koch

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