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US and Japan extend sanctions, killing at least 2,300 people in Mariupol / Article

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15.03.2022 09.25

At least 2,357 people have been killed in the siege of Mariupol, according to Ukrainian authorities, the BBC reports.

15.03.2022 09.18

In his video address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also called on Russian soldiers to lay down their arms and not to continue the senseless war. Zelenks asked a rhetorical question to Russian soldiers and officers – “why should you die if you don’t get anything from Ukraine either?”.

15.03.2022 08.58

Projectiles of Russian invaders have hit three high-rise homes in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, reports “Pravda.ua”. At least two people have died. A charge from Russian forces has hit a 16-storey residential building. Two dead were found at the scene, but 27 people were rescued. The projectile also hit a nine-storey house, as well as a ten-storey residential building that caught fire.

15.03.2022 08.53

In response to Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine, Japan said on Tuesday it had imposed sanctions on another 17 Russian citizens, Reuters reported. 11 members of the State Duma, five members of the family of banker Yuri Kovalchuk and billionaire Viktor Vekselberg are subject to sanctions.

The Japanese Ministry of Finance has reported that the total number of Russian citizens sanctioned in connection with the war against Ukraine has reached 61.

Japan has also imposed sanctions on Russia’s Central Bank and seven private banks, as well as on a number of Belarusian individuals and legal entities supporting Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

15.03.2022 07.53

A shot from Russian forces in Kiev hit a ten-story residential building, reports “Pravda.ua”, referring to the information of the State Emergency Service. The fire was extinguished. One man was rescued and taken to hospital.

15.03.2022 07.35

Influential American General Ben Hodges has warned that in 10 days Russia could actually lose its ability to attack Ukraine. According to him, the aggressor state is starting to lack people, time and ammunition. However, Hodge added that such a scenario is possible if Western countries continue to supply Ukraine with the necessary equipment to destroy artillery and repel missiles.

15.03.2022 07.33

CNN reports that Russia has asked its ally China, among other things, to provide specially packaged and ready-to-use military food. This could indicate problems in the supply of the Russian armed forces. Sources at CNN have indicated that, unlike financial and military assistance, Russia’s request could be met by Beijing, as it would not involve direct involvement in the military conflict.

15.03.2022 07.28

In his address to the people, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has pointed out that Russia has suffered enormous losses in terms of both technology and human resources in less than three weeks.

According to the president, the casualties of the Russian army are more than two wars in Chechnya combined.

According to him, the talks with the Russian delegation started yesterday “are not going badly” and will continue today.

Zelensky also presented the draft decisions approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to support the national economy during the war. Instead of value added tax and corporate income tax, it is planned to introduce a single tax – they will be 2% of turnover. In addition, the payment of such a fee will be voluntary for small businesses. It is also envisaged that any inspections of companies will be abolished as much as possible, provided that the business is conducted in accordance with the law. As Mr Zelensky emphasized, such reforms are needed to move life forward in non-war regions.

15.03.2022 07.24

Ukrainian media report that 160 private cars with residents left the heavily destroyed and besieged city of Mariupol yesterday. Some have already managed to reach Zaporizhia. However, the humanitarian convoy for Mariupol has not reached the city either

15.03.2022 07.20

The Ambassador of Latvia to Ukraine Ilgvars Kļava told the Latvian Television program “Morning Panorama” that the situation in Ukraine has not changed significantly. There is a shooting, but its “tangible effect” on Ukraine’s combat capabilities has not left. “One can only admire the determination of the Ukrainian people to defend the country,” Maple said.

He acknowledged that the war started by Russia in Ukraine caused great damage to civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The Latvian ambassador to Ukraine also pointed out that 261 Latvian citizens have evacuated from Lviv to Riga by bus so far.

15.03.2022 06.56

Tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians have received weapons since the Russian invasion, Ukrainian Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky said, according to Unian. Ukraine has previously passed a law that allows the country’s civilian population to be provided with weapons for national defense during war.

According to the minister, any citizen of Ukraine can turn to the police to prove that he is really working for the national defense. “We have dispensed tens of thousands of vending machines across the country,” the minister said.

15.03.2022 06.30

Russia has sent more than 900 different types of missiles to Ukraine since February 24, Pravda.ua reports, citing the US Department of Defense. It is noted that shocks are becoming more frequent and without a specific purpose.

15.03.2022 06.23

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) resumed electricity supplies after Russian forces disrupted the electricity supply line.

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Satellite images of Chernobyl NPP, March 10, 2022

Photo: AP

15.03.2022 06.20

The Russian army has killed 10 people in the shooting in the northern Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi on Monday, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office has said, which has launched an investigation into the deaths.

15.03.2022 06.12

TV channel “Ukraine 24” reports two strong explosions in the west of Kiev. The latest information indicates another hit in a residential house. The explosions have also erupted in other places, including alarm sirens in the south of Odessa and in the Khmelnitsky region in the west of the country.

15.03.2022 05.57

The U.S. has imposed sanctions on 11 individuals linked to Russia’s defense sector, the U.S. State Department said.

Russia’s Deputy Defense Ministers Alexei Krivoruchko, Timur Ivanov, Yunushbek Yevkurov, Dmitry Bulgakov, Yuri Sadovenko, Nikolai Pankov, Ruslan Zalikov and Gennady Zidzko, Commander-in-Chief of the National Defense Forces Director of the Service Dmitry Shugayev and Director General of the State Agency “Rosoboroneksport” Alexander Mikhev.

15.03.2022 05.41

Slovakia announced on Monday the expulsion of three Russian diplomats on suspicion of espionage. At least three Slovak citizens have also been detained for paying for espionage to Russia. The detainees include an officer from the Ministry of Defense, an SIS intelligence officer and a pro-Russian media outlet, the Dennik N newspaper reported.

15.03.2022 05.32

Russian troops in Ukraine plan to step up the group in the direction of Kharkiv, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced on its social network Facebook.

Russian troops continue to attack Ukraine. The enemy uses aviation to support ground forces and destroy military and civilian infrastructure on Ukrainian territory.

The occupiers continue to strike rockets and bombs, fire artillery and tanks at civilian infrastructure and settlements.

In the direction of Volhynia, there is still a high probability that Russia could organize provocations in Belarusian facilities with the aim of involving the Belarusian armed forces in the armed conflict in Ukraine.

15.03.2022 05.24

A yacht owned by Russian oligarch Sergei Chesezov was seized in the Spanish port city of Barcelona on Monday, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said.

Spanish newspaper El Pais reported that the confiscated yacht Valerie was owned by Sergei Chesezov, head of Russia’s state-owned defense conglomerate Rostec, an ally of President Vladimir Putin and subject to Western sanctions following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Sanchez said the yacht was worth 128 million euros.

15.03.2022 05.22

Ivan Fedorov, the mayor of Melitopol, who has been abducted by Russian troops, has been taken to Luhansk, the Zaporizhia district military administration said on its Telegram on Monday. The mayor of Dniprorudne, the city of Dniprorudne in the Zaporizhia region, is also being held captive by Russian troops, but his fate is currently unknown, the military administration of the Zaporizhia region said.

15.03.2022 05.20

Russian troops have fired a mortar on an evacuation column of people from the host city of Hostomel in the Kiev region, killing one and injuring two, the Ukrainian National Police’s press service said Monday night.

The first column, with 10 buses with women with children, the elderly and the disabled, was able to reach its destination. The occupants fired the second column with four buses with mortars.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: missile strikes on cities; news of Moscow’s request for Beijing support. March 14 live text archive.


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been going on since 24 February. The talks have so far failed, and the French presidential administration said on March 12 that Russian President Vladimir Putin now appears to be does not show any desire to end the war in Ukraine. More than 500 civilians have already died in the conflict, including 40 children.

Russia’s action has paid off sharp condemnation from a democratic world. Western countries have determined several sanctions though against Russiathough against Belarussupporting the Kremlin’s decision to attack Ukraine. Meanwhile, more and more foreign companies are boycotting Russia and suspending their operations in that country.

A live text archive of Russia’s attack on Ukraine is available here.

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