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“US and China Economic Leaders Agree Not to ‘Decouple'” – Constructive Meeting Outcomes

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China evaluated the outcome of the meeting between the US and Chinese economic leaders, who agreed not to ‘decouple’, as ‘constructive’.

There are cautious predictions that the U.S.-China relationship will warm up, but it appears that the key will be how much the differences in positions on various issues are narrowed.

This is correspondent Lee Mun-hyeon in Beijing.

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China also announced that Vice Premier Heifeng and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen agreed to exclude economic decoupling and provide a level playing field for companies from both countries.

This agreement was reached through a meeting with Secretary Yellen that lasted for more than 10 hours during Vice Premier Heifeng’s visit to the United States, and China’s Ministry of Finance evaluated the meeting between the two economic leaders as frank and constructive.

He explained that the purpose of this meeting is to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and prepare economic results for the San Francisco meeting.

Until yesterday afternoon, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs had avoided giving immediate answers to questions about next week’s US-China summit.

[왕원빈/중국 외교부 대변인(어제)]

″We have already responded to the issues you raised.″

However, last night, Chinese President Xi Jinping officially announced that he would attend the APEC summit in San Francisco next week and have a summit meeting with US President Joe Biden.

He explained, “The leaders of the two countries will have deep communication about U.S.-China relations and the development of world peace.”

Chinese state media also reported that “this summit is very important in leading the relationship between the two countries in the right direction,” and that “China has made it clear that it will cooperate.”

However, it is highly likely that sensitive issues such as the Taiwan issue and the South China Sea will be discussed at the summit, and China will not bend its position.

Yesterday, when the U.S.-China summit became official, the “China 50th Anniversary Concert” was held here in Beijing by the Philadelphia Philharmonic Orchestra, which is considered a symbol of the “thaw” between the U.S. and China.

Although the two countries, which had become distant due to the ‘balloon conflict’, succeeded in creating an anti-war atmosphere, the success or failure of the US-China summit is expected to be determined by the extent to which detailed coordination can be achieved in the future.

This is Munhyeon Lee from MBC News in Beijing.

Video editing: Park Cheon-gyu

#Chinas #Frank #Constructive #Talks.. #USChina #Relations #Prosper
2023-11-11 11:19:15

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