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US agencies responsible for the campaign against me: AMLO

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador placed the United States government agencies as responsible for the campaign against him that seeks to link him to organized crime under the concept of “narco-president”; But he stressed that it has not worked for them, since the approval levels for his mandate remain high.

“It gives me great pleasure, it fills me with pride, that it didn’t work for them,” he emphasized this morning in his conference from the National Palace.

To “throw oil” (a phrase he uses to refer to showing off), the president presented two recent surveys published in both media outlets.

In one, which was raised by telephone, he has 60 percent approval for both him and his government in April; Here he highlighted that in four months, which he claims is the campaign against him, “we rose six points, in the middle of a dirty war.”

The second, which was done in housing, and the result is 70 percent approval for the head of the Mexican Executive.

“There it is!” he stressed.

He said that even though it has been shown that in past six-year terms there was collusion between authorities and crime, both organized and white collar, as was the case of the former head of Public Security in the Calderonist six-year term, Genaro García Luna, prosecuted in the United States. due to links with drug traffickers, “now they want to change roles and launch an entire campaign: ‘AMLO narco-president’. Let’s see, where is the evidence?

And he added: “The DEA no longer likes the policy we are applying, because we are an independent and sovereign country, and in addition they showed that they did not help, that they were ineffective, which is the least that can be said, in the combat drug trafficking when there was ‘cooperation’, in quotes, with the Mexican government, when they were the ones in charge, because that was when all these things were happening, when the criminals controlled the airports.”

He recalled that “in a brilliant way” Washington security agencies launched the Fast and Furious operation to introduce weapons to Mexico with sensors and that they will end up in the hands of members of organized crime, in order to track and detain them.

“In a government completely infiltrated (Calderón’s) by crime, and the weapons entered, and yes, they reached the criminals, nothing more than they took away their sensors, the gentlemen already knew, and they used the weapons to commit crimes. And who designed that famous fast and furious operation? Well, those from foreign agencies, the DEA, and when an investigation into the case begins, they shelve it.”

But today, he highlighted, that in the country there is “a process of transformation, that we have a very good relationship with the United States government, of cooperation, but not of subordination, they are upset; So, since the agencies have a wide network in Mexico and around the world, they have very infiltrated journalism, they even have academic informants, they do not like a ruler from Tepetitan (Tabasco), and they start a campaign, with information from the DEA, false information, completely invented, because they are neither professionals nor have moral scruples of any kind.”

There have been four months of a black campaign, he said, but it has had no impact because “they are slander and have no basis.”

#agencies #responsible #campaign #AMLO
– 2024-05-05 04:26:05

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