Home » today » World » US Admiral Claims Half of Russian Army Destroyed in Ukraine War, Urges Military Support for Ukraine – December 2023 Update

US Admiral Claims Half of Russian Army Destroyed in Ukraine War, Urges Military Support for Ukraine – December 2023 Update

The losses of the Russian army as of December 25, 2023 are huge – the retired admiral of the US Navy, former Supreme Commander of the Allied Armed Forces of NATO in Europe James Stavridis said that during the war in Ukraine half of the Russian army was liquidated.

The US authorities “must provide military support to Ukraine, their cause is just,” the US admiral told The Hill. “This is a very dangerous situation and the real action is not actually happening in Kiev. The real action is in Washington,” he said.

The retired US Navy admiral added that half the Russian army had been destroyed without a single US soldier being killed or even put at risk, and the country had done it with the equivalent of 5% of its annual defense budget.

According to journalists, the American Congress will most likely not meet until the end of the year, and therefore negotiations on a new package of aid for the Ukrainian state will be postponed until 2024.

Total enemy losses as of December 25, 2023, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, amounted to 353,950 enemy.

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2023-12-25 10:23:00
#Russias #army #wiped #Ukraine #admiral

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