Home » today » World » Urszula Rzepczak is leaving, but TVP is moving on. A significant change for the broadcaster

Urszula Rzepczak is leaving, but TVP is moving on. A significant change for the broadcaster

When Urszula Rzepczak returned to being a TVP correspondent in Rome in May last year, she was warmly welcomed by the presenter of “Wiadomości” Danuta Holecka. Rzepczak was able to return to work after Magdalena Wolińska-Riedi was suspended from her duties for writing that Poles “have imbibed hatred with their mothers’ milk”.

When the revolution in public media took place in December, to the surprise of internet users, Rzepczak was one of the few people employed during the United Right era who remained in TVP. However, in June of this year we learned that after a dozen or so months, her time had come as well.

The employee and TVP have reached an agreement to terminate their cooperation. Her contract expires at the end of October. For Rzepczak, this was the second farewell to TVP during her career. She previously held the position of an Italian reporter from 2005 to 2014.

Thanks to Wirtualne Media we know that no one will replace Rzepczak. As reported by the TVP corporate communications department, “Telewizja Polska will not have a permanent correspondent at the station in Rome.”

Changes of correspondents in Polish Television

Let us recall that after the changes in the management of Telewizja Polska, there were significant changes among the foreign correspondents. In Washington, instead of Rafał Stańczyk, Marcin Antosiewicz is working. In Brussels, Dominika Cosic was replaced by Dorota Bawołek. In Paris, Anna Kowalska is the correspondent for Maksymilian Maszenda, while in Berlin, Cezary Gmyz was replaced by Magdalena Gwóźdź-Pallokat. Mateusz Lachowski, in turn, became the new reporter in Kiev, replacing Piotr Kućma.

Some people felt it strongly. In January this year, Gmyz admitted on Telewizja Republika that he was in a financial bind. He had not received a salary from the company or a lump sum for running the correspondent office for January. According to the agreement, TVP paid him the money in advance. “My situation is uncertain,” he said. He confessed that he had paid for the office for the next month out of his own pocket. “This has led me to a situation where I am actually facing bankruptcy,” he said.

Source: wirtualnemedia.pl

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