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Úrkúti-őskarszt: discovery route in Hungary’s natural treasure

This area is not only exceptional from a geological point of view, but also has priceless values ​​for hikers and nature walkers.


The characteristic forms of the karst landscape, such as rock walls, deep crevices and caves, offer a fascinating sight and offer valuable knowledge not only to those interested in earth sciences, but also to nature lovers.

The history and geological significance of the Úrkúti Paleokarst

The Úrkúti karst, which was already under protection as a natural asset of national importance in 1951, is a geological specialty that is unparalleled not only in Hungary, but also internationally. The geological structure of this area has suffered little damage due to manual mining of manganese ore and limited blasting, leaving much of the ancient karst formations untouched.

Bakony lay in a tropical climate for more than 100 million years. During the Jurassic period, the area was covered by the sea, the sediments of which formed the rocks found here. When the water receded during the Cretaceous period, land destruction – karstification – began. The surface was then covered with clayey, coal deposits and thus preserved the formed formations from later erosion.

The karst formations, evoking a special tropical climate, came to the surface only in the 20th century, starting in 1920, when manganese ore began to be mined on the side of the Csárda mountain.

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Úrkúti-őskarszt: discovery route in Hungary’s natural treasure

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In the Transdanubian Central Mountains, especially in the Bakony region, bauxite mining has uncovered some giant karst formations from the Cretaceous period, in which the ore occurs. However, most of them were reburied and the area was rehabilitated, so they only survived on maps, photographs and research reports. However, the karsts of the Úrkút region are special and partially protected natural areas.

The rock walls of Úrkút are resistant to weathering and have geological characteristics different from bauxite karsts. The area is particularly suitable for presenting the formation of Jurassic manganese ore and the forms of paleokarst, for scientific research, and for education.

The Úrkúti Karst is famous not only for its geological phenomena, but also for its special biological diversity. This area serves as a kind of biological refuge, where many rare and endemic species can be found, which have adapted to the unique conditions of the karst environment. Thanks to its specific microclimate, mosses and ferns decorate the rock walls with holes, but many other rare and protected plant species that prefer dampness and shade can also be found here.

In 2013, the Úrkúti-ũkarszt nature reserve became the geological value of the year.

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Úrkúti-őskarszt: discovery route in Hungary’s natural treasure

PHOTO: Ildikó Kelepeisz Staub

Visiting tips and practical information

The Úrkúti karst can be visited all year round, but the best time is late spring and early autumn, when the weather is mild and the flora is the most attractive. In the summer months, due to the high temperature and the larger number of tourists, it is recommended to choose the early morning or late afternoon hours for hiking.

The area of ​​the ancient karst can be accessed freely, and in 2013 a nature trail was also created: the Csárda mountain nature trail consists of 6 stations and is approximately one kilometer long, which takes between 45 and 60 minutes to complete. The entrance to the route can be easily recognized by the wooden fence and gate, which leads to the first station of the educational trail. Here, at the beginning of the road, you have to turn right, and following this route, you will soon come to wooden steps. When you reach the karst area, huge rock walls, several tens of meters high, rise up. Walking next to the stairs or at the bottom of the gorge, you can admire the finds from the Jurassic period. The return journey leads up the same set of stairs, and from here the trail continues along the edge of the gorge, touching the fourth station. Although the route can be walked in both directions, it is recommended to follow the numbering of the stations.

If we look carefully at the rock walls, we can also find the prints of animals that once lived on the seabed.

The hiking trail is short, but it passes through a real forest environment, where the paths and steps can become slippery in wet weather due to the characteristics of the karst. Therefore, it is important to wear comfortable hiking shoes with non-slip soles suitable for the weather, which will ensure your comfort during the trip.


Arriving in Úrkútra from Ajka, turn left from Rákóczi utca onto Mester utca, then turn right on the first street, Tüzér utca, and reach the entrance to the ancient karst. But we can also go on Gubiczahegy Street after Mester Street.


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