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Urgent professionals: on the exhausted capacity of the Saeima and the government

Latvia is rapidly moving towards the edge of the abyss. The reason is the rapid degradation of power. Each subsequent call of the Saeima and the government is less professional than the previous one. The most important decisions are taken, not taking into account the interests of the country, but only blindly following the indications of Brussels. If we do not change this situation after 1 October, the country will fall into a profound social crisis, from which it will be almost impossible to recover.

The level of unprofessionalism of our Saeima and the government is beyond all limits. I don’t see people there who can quickly find effective and unusual solutions. Just like accountants or external observers, these people only know how to dispassionately tell the numbers that characterize the losses and reductions of funds, erasing all errors at the expense of the complicated geopolitical situation and the war.

The only way our authorities know how to save their homeland is with European piggy bank money. For this reason, Latvia’s external debt exceeds 15 billion euros and the government of Kariņa plans to increase it to 17 billion.

Industries are often run by people who don’t understand a word about their specificities. We were led by a weightlifter at the Ministry of Defense. The Ministry of Education was run by a man who thought Pandora’s box was a cornucopia. The medical industry is led by a pianist and there is no doctor in Mr. Pavlyuta’s office, while there are only two people with higher medical education in the entire Ministry of Health! Should we be surprised at the state of our medicine?

Being a minister requires knowledge. But here, candidates for deputies don’t even need a school diploma. Why why? The prime minister will still divide the portfolios, not on the basis of who understands which sector, but on the basis of which party has been entrusted to lead this sector. After all, the main thing for the prime minister is not a team of professionals, but that the coalition does not fall apart.

This is where all bad decisions come from. The Minister of Transport has done everything to make Latvia run out of means of transport: look at “Latvijas dzelzceļa”, which is already selling its tracks, or “Liepāja bus park”, which has not been able to find buses to provide hundreds of flights, or “airBaltic”, which the country has invested almost half a billion, but which continues to suffer losses.

The Ministry of Health wasted 25 million euros on the non-working e-health project. The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a clone of the existing portal e-klase.lv for 3.5 million for no reason …

I have the feeling that our authorities suffer from a disorder that prevents us from understanding cause and effect. I am unable to calculate the consequences and think even six months earlier. Let’s take the history of gas as an example. It seems obvious: if we are to engage in a gas war with the Kremlin, we must first prepare. The Inčukalna depot must already be filled “to the brim”, a liquefied gas terminal must be built, contracts with other suppliers must be signed, the houses must be heated and only then can we go to battle.

But our government did the exact opposite. By not filling the gas depot, he prohibited “Latvijas Gāze” from buying gas for rubles. Without bothering to seek alternative suppliers, they introduced a ban on buying Russian gas with any currency from January 1. And now, when winter is upon us, we are surprised to find that we have nowhere to get gas.

The government of Latvia lives without thinking about the future, according to the principle “the day is past, and thank God it is”. It is already clear that the planned state aid will not be sufficient to compensate for the increase in the prices of energy resources. Subsidizing tariffs in the amount of 50% above the fixed ceiling is a drop in the ocean. Entrepreneurs will have to shut down production, residents will have to freeze and starve. But the government stubbornly insists: let’s wait for the accounts first, then we’ll see.

What are you hoping for? As usual – in Brussels. As such small children, our authorities are used to hearing everything in front of them, giving out candy and understanding something. It has always been like that! The fact that Brussels can be wrong does not even occur to him. However, the examples are not to be found far. We recall how the EU leadership launched a unified sugar production plan and ordered Latvia to close its factories. Much later, Brussels admitted that “a mistake was made” and Latvia was allowed to continue the development of the sugar industry, but there is nothing left of it.

An even more serious recalculation by the European Commission relates to the Green Course. Wind farms and solar panels are good sources of additional energy, but the EC has decided that they can become the main sources. However, a year ago there was a lull for several weeks in the North Sea, as a result of which wind farms came to a complete standstill: entire regions of Great Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands were left without electricity. This also started the energy crisis, which was joined only later by geopolitical reasons.

Now the EC is silent on its “Green Pact”, encouraging countries to find for themselves how to supply themselves with energy. And EU member states are proving their dexterity: coal stations are restarting in Germany, Estonia is using oil shale – whatever is available to whom. Latvia is also perfectly capable of providing itself with energy: we have peat with which we can provide heat for 300 years. 65 companies are engaged in its extraction in Latvia, they just need to be redirected from fertilizer production to energy peat production. The leadership of any EU country would do it!

But not ours. In the conditions of the most severe energy crisis, Latvia’s leadership stubbornly continues the “green course”, which is why it plans to shut down peat extraction. Eventually, the EC promised them € 184 million in compensation.

This appears to be a blatant lack of professionalism. This is what the policy of temporary workers looks like: they don’t care what happens to the country. But they are pleased in Brussels and will probably be welcomed there as European officials.

After me they can move to Brussels at least with the whole team. Only to finally free the country from itself and give its place to professionals. After all, someone has to get Latvia out of the hole it got stuck in.

Political advertising is paid for by the Social Democratic Party “Saskaņa”.

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