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Urgent consultation about ship with Russian gas oil that is off the coast of Amsterdam

The terminal of the company Evos in the Africa harbor in Amsterdam is now listed as the destination of the ship. No one at Evos was available for comment.

There has been a stir around the possible arrival of the ship because of the Russian cargo. There are sanctions against Russia because of the war in Ukraine. However, the ship does not sail under the Russian flag but under the flag of the Marshall Islands. In addition, there is an exception to the sanctions for fuel and food products.

Refused in Sweden

The Sunny Liger was previously en route to Sweden but was refused there. This was not because the Swedish authorities refused the ship, but because the Swedish dock workers resisted docking.

When the ship then set course for the Netherlands, the Dutch trade union FNV made an appeal to refuse it here too. It was located off the coast near Rotterdam from noon yesterday, where, according to the union, it was first removed from the arrival list and later reappeared. Yet it was not allowed to enter the port, after pressure from the union, says FNV Havens.

Do not moor

“In Sweden, the dock workers have the decency to refuse the ship and it would be a sign of VOC mentality if the Netherlands were to allow the ship to dock. The ship is not a normal customer of the port of Rotterdam and I therefore call on the dock workers to to keep their feet off,” said union leader Niek Stam of FNV Havens yesterday.

The ship then set sail for Amsterdam around seven o’clock.

“We requested all kinds of parties in the port of Amsterdam late last night not to let the ship dock and not to treat it,” said union director Asmae Hajjari of FNV ports on Saturday morning.

Consultation at 9.00 o’clock

“We succeeded, the parties decided around midnight to leave the ship at anchor outside the harbor. It will not be towed in.”

The various parties involved will have a meeting about the situation at 9.00, confirm FNV Havens and the Port of Amsterdam. After that, it should become clear what needs to be done with the ship. Steer away, anchor off the coast (outside the IJmuiden sea lock) or have it moored.

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