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Urgent call for blood donation in the Canary Islands

To facilitate blood donation, the ICHH has set up temporary collection rooms in buildings and public places in the different municipalities of the Canary Islands due to the urgent need in some groups

blood donors. Courtesy image

The Canary Institute of Hemodonation and Hemotherapy, dependent on the Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands, has made an urgent appeal due to the drop in blood and blood products registered in the stock levels of the Canary Transfusion Center.

The ICHH recalls the Importance of going to donate blood after the Christmas holidays, a period in which the mobility of regular donors generates a drop in donations.

At this time, the blood groups A+, O+ and O- are the most requestedalthough all are necessary.

In a statement, the ICHH specifies that to facilitate blood donation they have enabled temporary extraction rooms in public buildings and premises in the different municipalities of the Canary Islands.

It has also put into operation a procedure for prior appointment both by phone and telematics to manage the daily donations in the different rooms with security and guarantees. In this sense, the importance of canceling the appointment in case of not being able to attend is recalled, so that it can be used by another donor.

The ICHH insists that the donation points of the Canarian Transfusion Network are safe places, in which all preventive measures are followed and, therefore, you can donate there with complete peace of mind.

Why is it so important to donate blood?

In the Canary Islands it is necessary an average of 300 blood donations daily to attend to both scheduled hospital activity and emergencies, such as treatments for cancer patients, surgeries or transplants, which require transfusions of blood products from different blood groups.

Since this hospital activity is maintained throughout the year, it is necessary to maintain the number of donations necessary to balance blood reserves and thus meet this demand.

Donation Requirements

To donate blood in the Canary Islands you must be between 18 and 65 years old, in good general health, weigh more than 50 kg and, in the case of women, not be pregnant. Men can donate a maximum of 4 times a year and women 3, with a minimum interval of 60 days between donations.

The ICHH also reminds that people vaccinated against COVID-19, with both one and two doses, can donate blood 48 hours after inoculation.

The ICHH makes a self-assessment questionnaire available to the public to check if they can donate blood: https://efectodonacion.com/test-para-averiguar-si-puedes-donar-sangre/.

where to donate blood

The ICHH maintains different operations temporary donation points in the different municipalities of the Archipelago, in addition to the fixed points available to citizens. All of them can be consulted on the website efectodonacion.com.

People interested in donating blood can go directly or make an appointment by calling 012 (922 470 012 / 928 301 012) from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. or by using the prior appointment form published on the front page of the websitefectodonacion.com.

To donate blood in the hospital centers of the Canarian Transfusion Network it is not necessary to make an appointment, although it is recommended to call the service in advance to guarantee the normal operation of the blood banks. More information about hours and contact telephone numbers in this link: http://efectodonacion.com/puntos-fijos/.

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