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Urgent Appeal for Ceasefire and Aid in Sudan as Millions Face Famine and Displacement

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) — Aid leaders on Tuesday urged the parties to the conflict in Sudan to end the fighting, protect innocent civilians and allow aid workers safe and unrestricted access, Stephane Dujarric said. , main spokesman for the UN Secretary General António Guterres.

Dujarric said that the leaders of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee marked the four months of the conflict and recalled that more than six million people in Sudan are one step away from famine, and that more than 14 million children in the country need humanitarian aid.

The leaders assured the people of Sudan that the international humanitarian community remains committed to supporting them.

The UN Refugee Agency said that since hostilities began on April 15, more than 4.3 million people have been forced to flee. Inside Sudan there are 3.2 million internally displaced people, including 187,000 refugees who have taken refuge in Sudan.

The UN Human Rights Office said provisional figures indicate more than 4,000 people have lost their lives, including hundreds of civilians.

The victims included 28 aid workers and health workers and 435 children, the office said. The actual number is likely to be much higher.

2023-08-15 23:29:03
#Aid #leaders #call #conflict #Sudan #safe #access #aid

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