Home » today » News » Upset, this mother asks for her breast milk to be paid for her child Gegara is desperate to sue inheritance: She has to pay for my milk, I’m tired of being a mother! – All Pages

Upset, this mother asks for her breast milk to be paid for her child Gegara is desperate to sue inheritance: She has to pay for my milk, I’m tired of being a mother! – All Pages

Sosok.ID – Praya Tiningsih (52), a mother got angry while at the Praya Religious Court (PA), Lombok Middle.

The anger of the middle-aged woman after her child, Rully Wijayanto, offered a conciliatory concept about the lawsuit legacy which he asked.

The incident at Ningsih’s anger occurred on Thursday (13/8/2020).

After the trial, Ningsih also said that he still refused Rully’s offer.

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Ningsih’s anger was not without reason, the 52-year-old woman felt that her child’s attitude had gone too far.

Because Rully still chuckles asking for an inheritance from his late father in the form of land that is still divided.

According to him, Rully still did not want to make peace with himself to make him act the same way.

Therefore, Ningsih prefers to continue the matter and does not choose the peace line.

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“He (Rully) still insisted that the land be divided, even though his father’s will cannot be shared.”

“So he doesn’t want to make peace, I don’t want to make peace either, let the case continue,” said Ningsih, quoted from Kompas.com.

Feeling that he was being cornered by the attitude of his son, Ningsih reacted.

The mother from Rully will demand the Breast Milk (ASI) that she has released to take care of her child.

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The child’s extreme attitude made Ningsih faint until he uttered such words.

“Anyway I do not forgive him (Rully), anyway he has to pay for my milk,”

“I’m tired of being a mother, I’m bored,” said Ningsih in a high tone.

Even though he saw his mother did not accept his offer, Rully was still determined to share his father’s inheritance.

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Rully claimed that he was only asking for his right as the heir of his late father.

He reasoned that he did not want someone to claim his father’s inheritance in the future.

“Later when the decision is made we will know our rights, my sister’s rights, my mother’s rights,”

“And this is also a precaution if someone later claims the inheritance of the late father,” said Rully.

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Rully also added that the house that had been standing on the disputed land of 4.2 acres would not be disturbed by him.

He also added that the house would be a common house.

“Even if it is divided, the house will not be destroyed, will not be partitioned, or will not be sold.”

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“Still the house stands as before, it’s just that we know our rights,” said Rully.

Quoting from East TribunePreviously, it was reported that the inheritance that Rully wanted to sue was 4.2 acres of land along with the deposit money after his late father’s death.

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The question of suing the land legacy It started with Rully’s disappointment because Ningsih did not allow Rully to make a living room and kitchen.

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