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Upset, Sophie Davant reacted to the departure of Pierre-Jean Chalençon

It’s over for Pierre-Jean Chalençon in Affaire Conclue. This Wednesday, June 24, the collector of Napoleon brutally announced that he was leaving the program, by mutual agreement between him and the chain. A decision precipitated by the publication of a photo on which we see him pose in the company of Dieudonné and which circulates on social networks. And after the announcement of his departure, he received a message from Sophie Davant who touched him a lot.

The controversy of too much

The controversies that Pierre-Jean Chalençon may have had recently, meant that he decided to leave before it was too late. Among the controversies, we remember in particular his violent tackle to Line Renaud on social networks, but the last had real repercussions in the life of Napoleon’s collector. Indeed, we could see a photo of him and the very controversial Dieudonné taken during the 90th birthday of Jean-Marie Le Pen, circulating on the Web.

After this photo, Pierre-Jean Chalençon received many hate messages, calling him anti-Semitic or worse, judging him on his sexual orientation: ” I feel sorry. It’s horrible. I’m called anti-Semite, everything … shit! I’m not anti-Semitic… Excuse me (…) For 24 hours we have been saying filth“. Invited on the set of Morandini Live, Thursday June 25, Pierre-Jean Chalençon apologized for this cliché which caused controversy, saying that he had done “a very big bullshit”.

« Given the extent of this controversy, I decided in agreement with the production of “Affaire concluded” to withdraw from the recordings today. I really like this program and those who make it to take the risk of seeing them touched by this controversy. I made a mistake, I said it, and I apologize to those that this photo could offend or hurt Said Pierre-Jean Chalençon to explain his photo.

A long-planned departure?

According to Pierre-Jean Chalençon, his departure from the program had already been planned for a long time, the Dieudonné controversy would simply have accelerated the matter: ” It’s been a few weeks since I had already spoken about it to production, to Sophie (…) I wanted my role to evolve and it hasn’t changed. I had a difficult year. My father died, Michou is gone (…) I thought about it a lot. I wanted to start from a closed deal at the start of the school year“. Following this declaration, the one who holds the Vivienne palace returned to the wings of his departure and the reactions of his stooges.

If for the moment no collector’s colleague has yet made a public reaction, he claims that he had several messages from his colleagues following his decision. Indeed, according to him, Julien Chohen and Caroline Margeridon had a nice little word for him. But the message that “touched him the most” is none other than that of Sophie Davant: “She sent me a message to tell me that she is very sad in her heart and that she sympathizes “Said Pierre-Jean Chalençon on the set of Jean-Marc Morandini on Cnews.

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