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Upper and lower eyelids, find the right surgical method for you.

[메디컬투데이=신창호 기자] In the past, plastic surgery was mainly done to solve problems caused by aging and to hide complexes. There was a strong perception that surgery was mainly performed for personal satisfaction, but as modern society has entered an aging society, the age of economic activity is increasing, and as a result, it is becoming a necessary competency for social life beyond personal satisfaction.

Aging usually progresses rapidly starting in the late 40s or 50s, and the area where aging appears most quickly is around the eyes. The ligaments that support soft tissues such as facial muscles and fat become weak and the facial skin sags, causing wrinkles to form. The skin around the eyes is thinner compared to other areas, so when aging progresses, it may appear more visible than other areas.

When aging begins around the eyes, the eyelids may gradually droop, making you look sleepy to others, or the fat under the eyes may bulge, making you look grumpy, leaving a bad impression. In addition, eyelids can sag and block vision, and eyelashes can pierce the eyes, which can cause problems with vision and can further lead to complications such as dry eyes, itchiness around the eyes, and headaches, so aging begins in the late 40s. People in their 50s often seek upper and lower eyelid surgery.

▲ Director Baek Chang-yoon (Photo = Provided by Beauty Eye Plastic Surgery Clinic)

Upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery have established themselves as representative middle-aged eye plastic surgery, and demand continues to increase. In the case of the upper eyelid, sagging skin and muscles above the eyes are excised to improve the appearance of clear eyes. This is more effective in improving facial expressions, and is effective in improving sagging skin and wrinkles under the eyes. It creates clear, clear eyes, and at the same time, droopy eyelids disappear, allowing you to see your frustrating vision better.

Lower eyelid surgery is effective in improving wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes and improves the shape of the eyes by removing unnecessary fat and redistributing fat to necessary areas. Depending on the degree of sagging under the eyes, if the skin is not sagging, a conjunctival incision is made. If a skin incision needs to be made, the skin, muscles, and orbital septum are separated and the stretched tissue is removed to improve wrinkles and dark circles for anti-aging. It is an effective solution, can improve the appearance of clear eyes, and also provides a lifting effect by realigning sagging muscles.

Baek Chang-yoon, director of Busan Beauty Eye Plastic Surgery Clinic, said, “It is important to choose the right surgical method for the upper and lower eyelids, which are in high demand among middle-aged people, so that the eyes can remain natural after surgery. If you do it too much, it can actually feel strange. In addition, because middle-aged people are aging and may have chronic diseases, medical staff should do their best to provide safer surgery through sufficient consultation.”

He continued, “In the case of upper and lower eyelid surgery, the surgery may become difficult when attempted again, so it is advisable to leave it to professional medical staff with abundant clinical experience and know-how.”

Medical Today Reporter Shin Chang-ho ([email protected])

Naver Post

[저작권자ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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