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Upload and post videos to YouTube

From HubSpot’s Social Composer, you can upload and publish YouTube videos to share video content with your followers. Before downloading and publishing YouTube videos from HubSpot, you must connect your YouTube account to HubSpot.

Required disclosure: This feature uses YouTube API services. By connecting your YouTube account to HubSpot, you agree to comply with the YouTube Terms of Service ( )

To publish a new YouTube video from HubSpot:

  • Configure your YouTube video details:
    • Titre : the title of your YouTube video.
      • You can use a maximum of 100 characters.
      • The title cannot contain invalid characters.
    • Description : the description of your YouTube video. You can include keywords in your description to help users find your video when searching on YouTube.
    • Add a video: Select an existing video or upload a new video to post to your YouTube account.
      • When selecting an existing video from the Files tool, the video should have Visibility set to Public or Public – noindex. If the video visibility has been set to Privateyou will not be able to select the video.
      • The video must respect YouTube video and audio formatting specifications.
    • Playlist: Select an existing YouTube playlist to add this video to. Learn more about creating and managing playlists YouTube.
    • Public : select Yes, it’s made for children or No, it’s not for children to determine whether or not your video is suitable for children.
    • Tags: Adds tags to your YouTube video to make it easier for users to find your video. Each tag must be separated by a comma. Learn more about Tags YouTube.
    • Language : select the primary language for your YouTube video.
    • Licence : select the license type for your video. By default, Standard YouTube License is selected.
    • Authorize integration: allows other users to embed your YouTube videos on their websites.
    • Post to the subscription feed and notify subscribers: notifies your YouTube subscribers of the publication of this video.
    • Category : Select a category to make it easier for users to find your video. For example, you can categorize an instructional video as Educational.
    • Visibility: Sets a visibility option for your YouTube video. You can set a video as private, unlisted, or public. Learn more about YouTube visibility options.
    • Publishing options: Choose to publish immediately or schedule your video for later.
      • Publish now: publish the video immediately.
      • Schedule for later: select a date and an hour specific to publish the video. You can also select a default time from your social posting calendar .
    • Campaign : choose to associate your video with a new campaign or an existing campaign .
  • After setting up your YouTube video, click at the top right on Schedule or Publish now.


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